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有两个男孩回家迷路了。Two oof the boys have lost their way home.

我们的最大优点是多样性和团体精神。Two oof our greatest strengths are diversity and community.

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这个DJ把各种不同的音乐混在同一首歌里。The DJ was mixing all sorts oof different music in one song.

等他叔叔死了,罗布就可以获得一大笔遗产。Bob will have a good sized egg from the oof bird when his uncle dies.

在近年的世纪大战中,巴萨打入了19球中的17球。Barcelona has scored 17 of the last 19 goals in the head-to-head series.Oof.

但随后中国联通官方网站发表声明,否认了这一报导。China Unicom later published a denial oof the report on its official website.

这三部小说并没有都翻成中文。其中最长的一部还在翻译中。Not were all of the three novels translated in Chinese, the longest oof which is translated now.

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在分析地层时变滤波特性的基础上,构造多尺度地震子波。From the analysis of time-varying filtering characteristic oof stratums, a multiscale model of seismic Wavelet is presented.

该文介绍了一种采用半实物仿真方法建立C3I系统仿真试验床的思路。This paper introduce the idea of using the semi_practicality simulation method to construct simulation testbed oof C3I information system.

由于特定的局限性,为残疾人提供的垂直通道可以通过电动提升平台实现。Subject to certain limitations, the provision of vertical access for disabled people can be achieved by the provision oof powered lifting platforms.

具体地考察了人称代词、谓语动词及助动词、句子结构及其形式、语气词对祈使句语力的影响。The influence oof personal noun, predicate, auxiliary, sentence structure, sentence form and tone n the force of Imperative Sentence are studies respectively.

在航空业大战中,所有航空公司都可能将价格降至同一水平,但是最先作降价广告的公司通常能占有市场的最大份额。In an airfare war, all airlines may cut their prices to the same level, but the one that advertises the fare reduction first usually gets the lion's share oof the business.

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两个种植大户——朱塞皮•摩尔道瓦和里卡多•布拉班特告诉我,他们一直期待着今年年获得一个大+收,收割工作比往年开始得要早些。Two oof the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual.

这不但是对于正确评量的零,而且对于「黄金数目」的零,也都是事实。它提供我们一个形象,来评量生命的主体,有关理想状态时的性爱。This is not only true for the oof the correct measure, that of the golden number, in so far as it serves as an image for us, to the measure of the subject with respect to sex in an ideal case.