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即副语言和沉默。They are paralanguage and silence.

副语言的声音正好同文字本身相反。Paralanguage sounds just the opposite from the words themselves.

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正确解读副语言符号是交际成功的必要条件。To know paralanguage exactly is quite essential for successful communication.

包括身体语言,已被广泛地研究社会心理学。Paralanguage , including body language, has been extensively studied in social psychology.

此外,本文还对副语言使用的影响因素进行了探析。In the current study, effort is also made to explore what influences the use of paralanguage.

本文简要谈了副语言中的语调和它的功能。The thesis gives a brief talk on intonation and its functions, which included in paralanguage.

类语言是一种很特殊的语言现象,它伴随着有声语言而生发。Paralanguage is one of kind of particular language phenomenon and emerges with the sound language.

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在文学作品中,副语言可以替代人物的话语表达,传递其情感倾向。In literary works, paralanguage can substitute characters' utterance and convey their emotional attitude.

副语言作为一种重要的非语言交流方式,在人类语言交际中起着极其重要的作用。As a type of nonverbal communication, paralanguage is of great importance in spoken language communication.

教师的体态语、环境语、副语言的特征及功能。The approaches mentioned in this article include teachers' body language, environment language, paralanguage.

电视新闻是以画面、同期声、解说词为主要构成部分的多样化表现艺术。TV news is the diversified displaying work of art, which is mainly composed by TV screen, paralanguage and commentary.

当今的媒体写作要求与画面和同期声紧密相连,互为补充,成为统一整体。Writing requirements in today's media images and Paralanguage closely linked with and complement each other, become unified whole.

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在交际过程中,副语言和语言相互补充,共同完成信息的传递。In the process of communication, paralanguage together with language finishes the information transfer, they complement with each other.

如果你的“贵客”曾这样跟你说,“原因并非在于你说什么,而是你说的方式”,他们指的是你的辅助语言。If your significant other has ever said to you, "It's not what you said, it's how you said it, " they were referring to your paralanguage.

如人们在交际时,除发出有声语言外,还经常伴随着体态语、副语言、客体语、环境语等非语言。For instance, human vocal communication is always accompanied by kinesics, paralanguage , object language, environmental language and so on.

同时,副语言呈现了人物的情绪和心理状态,有效地辅助了语言,使得禅宗语录中的人物形象鲜活生动,千载之下,犹如直面。At the same time, paralanguage implied feeling and psychological states in communication, which helps to make language in Zen′s collection alive even thousands years later.

由于语境对副语言使用的重要影响,在理解副语言交际的过程中必须充分考虑语境因素。The remarkable influence of context over use of paralanguage evinces the fact that contextual factors must be fully taken into account in the understanding of paralinguistic communication.

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同期声人类可能是一个持续的通信形式,我们非语言的祖先早已习惯,也有可能是,它已改变了共存的语言。Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language.

本文作者认为非言语交流手段中身势体语和副语言对口译过程的作用较为明显,其他两类相对而言影响较小,因此本文集中讨论身势体语和副语言两大类。This paper focuses on kinesic behavior and paralanguage since their influence on interpretation are believed to be more conspicuous, compared with other categories of nonverbal communication.

目前对副语言功能的研究,很多都缺乏系统的语言学理论作指导,没有深入系统地分析副语言对口语语篇的连贯发挥了怎样的作用。But few of these researches are carried out on a linguistic-theoretical basis, with not much in-depth and systematic analysis of how paralanguage functions for coherence of oral communication.