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火山喷出了熔岩。The volcano erupted molten lava.

火山喷发出熔岩。The volcano spurted molten lava.

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夹着融化的冰和冒着烟的雪A spill of molten ice, smoking snow

你还不够格来打熔火之心!You're not leet enough for molten core.

熔化的金属溢流到外面的板石上。Molten metal ran out on to the flagstones.

火山喷出火焰和岩石。The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.

火山喷出火焰和熔岩。The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.

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钢花乱迸。Sparks of molten steel dash in all directions.

熔岩从火山顶喷了出来。Molten lava erupted from the top of the volcano.

初升的太阳犹如熔化的金子在水中荡漾。The rising sun danced in water like molten gold.

压力下,蛋白质熔化的球体状态。Pressure-induced molten globule states of proteins.

木卫一主要是熔化的铁与硅酸盐岩石的核心。Io is largely molten silicate rock with an iron core.

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然后960度熔化的锡锑铜合金被倒进去。Then the 960-degree molten britannia metal is poured.

通过雾化熔融金属可以产生金属粉。A metal powder is produced by atomizing a molten metal.

在埃及人们铸制偶像来敬拜他们的神。In Egypt people made molten idols to worship their gods.

液体可能是油、酸、柏油、水或熔铅。The liquid could be oil, acid, tar, water, or molten lead.

为了未来的钍基熔盐核反应堆。Thorium-based molten salt nuclear reactors for the future!

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他们在何烈山造了牛犊,叩拜铸成的像。They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.

火成的由熔化的岩石凝固形成的。Formed by solidification from a molten state. Used of rocks.

在天边淌出一股金色细流的霎那间,黎明破晓,森林苏醒。In a slick of molten gold, dawn breaks and the trees awaken.