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长枝髓心不发达。Long sticks pith underdevelopment.

外观上看应该是通草。Judging from its appearance, it must be the pith.

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精要口诀是非常非常珍贵的。And pith instructions are really, really valuable.

这时,橡胶棒和木髓球两者都带负电荷。Both the rubber and the pith ball are negatively charged.

柑橘剥皮,去除每一瓣的皮及籽。Peel the mandarin, remove pith and any seeds from each segment.

用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.

使用小的锋利的刀,把橙子皮削掉。Using small sharp knife, cut off peel and white pith from oranges.

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鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices.

他们学会了在脊柱中取出不能食用的干茎。They learn to extract the pith from the spine-defended inedible stem.

加强制度建设,是现代政治文明的精髓所在。Strengthen system building is the pith of modern political civilization.

因此我需要从一个熟练的单车手那里获得口诀指示。So, I need uh some kind of a pith instructions from a skilled bike rider.

管胞直径、胞壁厚度自髓心向外增加。The tracheid diameter and the thickness of cell wall increase from pith to bark.

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茎状中柱的髓显得颇强健,像厚角组织。The pith of this stem like stele appears rather strongly like collenchyma tissue.

谢普少校打扮得整洁多了,戴着一顶编织着木髓的钢盔,正好九点来到。Major Shairpe, much spruced up and wearing a pith helmet, arrived on the dot of nine.

知识经济时代是以知识创新为核心的时代。The era of intellectual economy of which the pith is intellectual innovation is coming.

心材通常是成熟的木材部分,通常色泽较暗,范围从边材一直到髓心。Heartwood is the mature wood, which is often darker, extending from the sapwood to the pith.

木素、多缩戊糖含量在径向上表现出递减、稳定的模式,10—12年后趋于稳定。Lignin and pentosan content decrease from pith to bark. and level off after 10 to 12 years old.

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建筑的精髓在于实体与空间共同造就的生活环境。The pith of architecture is the living environment which constructed by the body and the space.

少爷,您那样出神地望着这位姑娘,恐怕没有注意到最重要的一点。TRANIO. Master, you look'd so longly on the maid. Perhaps you mark'd not what's the pith of all.

中期以后直至成熟,皮层和髓细胞强烈扩大、径向伸长。The expansion and radial spread of cortex and pith cells are very strong after the mid-dle stage.