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所以我天天跳舞。So I dance daily.

每日一软胶囊。One softgel daily.

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他每日取酬。He gets daily wage.

我每天都与他交谈。I talk to him daily.

每日记下工作日志。Rept on logbook daily.

每天使用牙线。Use dental floss daily.

每天都表达谢意。Express gratitude daily.

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最初6毫克,每日一次。Initially 6mg once daily.

每日酒店早餐1份。Daily breakfast at hotel x1.

喷气机每天飞经那个地区。Jets coursed the area daily.

他们继续每天相会。They continue to meet daily.

每日早空腹服食。Daily early hollow take feed.

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定一个每日或每周预算。Fix a daily or weekly budget.

它可不只是每天的例行公事哦。It's not only a daily routine.

每天举行一个小会。A daily scrum meeting was held.

来段日常的太极练习。Begin a daily tai chi practice.

每天做操对他有好处。He benefits by daily exercises.

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关键是天天都要去So daily is the key thing here.

每天的营养餐,都由我来定。Daily feeding, determined by me.

在香水公司的日常生活。Daily Life in A Perfumer Company.