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小妖精猛扑向渔夫。The goblin pounced on the fisherman.

哦哦,那个地精牧师竟然值1000XP!Oooh, that goblin cleric was worth 1000XP!

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索比面具不能再在地精商店购买了。Sobi mask no longer sold at goblin merchant.

莽撞鬼怪本回合不造成战斗伤害。Goblin Vandal deals no combat damage this turn.

有一个妖精,骗子,或者说勇士。There was a goblin. Or a trickster, or a warrior.

可如果他没有,我们现在或许都得说地精语了。And if he hadn't, we might all be speaking Goblin now.

鲍西受过最高级的哥布林技术学。Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology.

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一个穿着一身猩红镶金制服的妖精站在这里守卫。A goblin stands guard here, dressed in a uniform of scarlet and gold.

那个妖精在发抖,不敢正视高高在上的那双红眼睛。The goblin was trembling, unable to meet the red eyes high above his.

还有,为什么不装上这个致命而隐蔽的陷阱呢,地精朋友。And why not arm this deadly but well-hidden booby trap, goblin friend.

没有了魔法,古灵阁坍塌成妖精尸首的巨大坟墓。Enchantment-free, Gringotts collapsed into a mass grave for goblin bodies.

这个折磨人的小妖精究竟知不知道她在做什么。The goblin that torments a human really knows not to know what she is act.

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降低了东、西两个地精商店门口的怪物等级。Reduced the creep level on the East and West Goblin Laboratory creep camps.

夏日疯狂举动,在一个晚上,将电子小妖怪放入LED矩阵当做画作。Summer madness, in a night of electronic LED matrix as a goblin into paintings.

终于,他梦魇中缠绕不去的最后一丝阴影也消散了。The last, lingering goblin from my father's nightmare past had gasped and gone.

地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine.

妖精低了一下巨大的圆脑袋接受了谢意,然后弯起短短的双腿。The goblin bowed his great domed head in acknowledgement, then flexed his short legs.

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今晚我要用那地精的血来祭酒。拉杰,不要,这是个陷阱!,他们在夹击我们!Tonight I spice my mead with goblin blood. Raj, no, it's a trap! They're flanking us!

你们的死期即将来临,只因我掌握的奥术能量超出了你们这些软弱地精的理解能力!Your demise is at hand, for I wield arcane power beyond your feeble goblin reasoning!

史密斯上校的助手,中尉陌生人试图征用哥卜林为他的老板。Colonel Smith's assistant, Lieutenant Stranger, tries to commandeer Goblin for his boss.