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请回想一下,我们为什么要禁止使用沙利度胺。I mean you have to ask yourself why did we ban thalidomide.

后来的几个月里,继续传来有关萨立多胺的消息。In the months that followed, more news about Thalidomide continue to flow in.

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目的建立沙利度胺胶囊的含量测定方法。Aim To establish a method for determination the content of thalidomide capsule.

克隆将作为致畸高手,与不安全药物“反应停”一样。Cloning would join the u afe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy.

抑制结肠癌细胞迁移的作用,与CXCR4蛋白表达无关。The migration inhibition effect of thalidomide is independent of CXCR4 protein expression.

目的进一步认识反应停在治疗恶性浆细胞疾病时可能出现的不良反应。Objective To study the side effects of thalidomide in treating malignant plasmacyte disease.

应用此模型考察沙利度胺对肿瘤组织血管形成的影响。Moreover, anti-angiogenic effect of thalidomide in tumor tissues was investigated using this model.

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英国科学家称,有争议的药物萨立多胺并不能提高肺癌患者的生存机率。Controversial drug thalidomide does not improve survival for lung cancer patients, UK scientists say.

以反应停畸形儿、帕金森病患者、自闭症或患大脑性麻痹的人为例。Take, for example, Thalidomide babies, Parkinson's sufferers, autism or people who have cerebral palsy.

影片中,东尼是一位慕尼黑著名的设计师,同时也是一个康特刚药物的受害者。What it shows is Toni, a fashion designer well-known in the Munich scene and a casualty of Thalidomide to boot.

研究者指出,患者采用其他的治疗药物,比如萨利多胺或干扰素,所带来的风险要小一些。Patients who took other treatments, like thalidomide and interferon-alpha, had no higher risk, researchers said.

因此,在本研究里,我们探讨了反应停局部使用抑制CNV。For this reason, we studied in present experiment the inhibitive effect of thalidomide on CNV with topical application.

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目的为观察反应停治疗难治性浆细胞肿瘤的有效性和毒性。Objective To investigate the efficacy and toxicity on thalidomide in the treatment of refractory plasma cell neoplasms.

目的探讨反应停联合化疗治疗中高恶度非霍奇金淋巴瘤的疗效。Objective To elucidate the effects of thalidomide and chemotherapy in treatment of middle-high malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

采用划线法和MTT法观察血管生成抑制素和反应停对淋巴管内皮细胞增殖和游走的影响。Scraping line method and MTT were used to observe the effect of angiostatin and thalidomide on proliferation and migration of LEC.

因此,我们尝试应用口服沙利度胺治疗,患者迅速获得生化和细胞学缓解。We, therefore, attempted a trial of oral Thalidomide and achieved rapid biochemical and cytological remission with a short course.

结论反应停联合化疗治疗复发难治NHL疗效较好,是一种有效、值得探索的新方法。Conclusions Thalidomide in combination with chemotherapy is an effective new approach to treating patients with refractory recurrent NHL.

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综述近年来在沙利度胺的抗肿瘤作用机制、现有和潜在的临床疗效以及制剂学等方面的研究进展。The current progress in research on thalidomide was summarized, including its mechanism of anti-tumor, curative effect and pharmaceutics.

如果萨力多胺是现在发明的,它就不会被批准为人类使用,因为在有孕的动物身上实验会提示其危险。If thalidomide were invented today, it would never be released for human use because new tests on pregnant animals would reveal the dangers.

如果萨立多胺是今天发明的,它就决不会用在人身上,因为对怀孕的动物的新试验将会发现这种危险。If thalidomide were invented today, it would never he released for human use because new tests on pregnant animals would reveal the dangers.