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啊!我是只食人鱼,住在亚马逊河。Raah! I'm a piranha , they're in the Amazon.

食人鱼也是一种鱼,就像你的生日礼物一样。And a piranha 's a fish, just like your present.

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绝大多数食人鱼类是杂食和食腐动物。Most piranha species are omnivores and scavengers.

湖里有水虎鱼,还有电鳗。Piranha fish live in the lakes, and electric eels.

现代水虎是海水入侵亚马逊盆地的结果”。Present-day Species Of Piranha Resulted From Marine Incursion Into Amazon Basin.

为了应对食人鲳恐慌,当地政府紧急下令进行大规模捕捞。In response to the piranha panic, local authorities urgently ordered a large-scale fish-hunt.

在不同时段,科学家们把麦克风放在食水鱼水箱中,这个水箱中有10条食人鱼,它们为分3组。They dropped a microphone into a piranha tank that, at different times, held three groups of 10 fish.

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旁边的人碰巧拉上来一条,我赶紧跑过去照了几张照片,还特别给那锋利的牙齿来了一张特写。A man nearby fished a piranha. I rushed to see and made a few photos. I made a feature of its sharp teeth.

众所周知贪婪的食人鱼仅生活在南美的河流,主要是亚马逊河和奥里诺科河。The notoriously voracious piranha lives only in the rivers of South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco.

当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river?

最出名的种群是红肚水虎鱼,但其实大约有四十种不同类型的水虎鱼。The most well-known species is the red-bellied piranha , but there are nearly forty other different species of piranha.

主要以生产超高亮白光、蓝光、绿光、发射、接收、大功率及食人鱼高档LED产品。Mainly in the production of ultra bright white, blue, green, emission, reception, high-power and high-end LED products piranha.

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让片片雨林遮住烦恼与忧愁,去体味那份原始的宁静,看看美丽而又可怕的食人鱼。Cover patches of rainforest to worry and despair, to appreciate the original share of quiet, beautiful and terrible to see piranha.

主营产品有LED装饰灯、LED轨道灯、LED线条灯及LED埋地灯、食人鱼模组等装饰系列产品。Main products are LED lights, LED track lights, LED lights and LED lines Buried lights, decorations, etc. piranha module product line.

据称,渔民用十公里长的网捕获了大批鱼类,但可惜里面只有本地鱼,没有外国鱼,而食人鲳更是一条也没有。Fisherman using nets reportedly 10 kilometers long caught large quantities of fish, but natives rather than foreigners. Nary a piranha.

我的办法是,不要将奖金支票邮寄到他们的家里,我们把奖金支票绑在石块上,再将石块沉在一个巨大的水虎鱼鱼缸的底部。I say, instead of mailing the bonus checks to their houses, we put rocks on them and we put them at the bottom of an enormous piranha tank.

比拉尼亚鱼!对于大多数人,这个名字使人想起邪恶鱼群的恐怖电影形象,这个形象能够使人的在几分种之内变成一个骨架。Piranha ! For most people, the name sparks horror-movie images of vicious schools of fish that can reduce a human to a skeleton in minutes.

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遇上旱季河流和湖泊干涸时,食物变得匮乏,食人鱼就开始吃肉,基本上是吃其他鱼类。But in the dry season when ponds and rivers dry up and food becomes more scarce, piranha turn to meat-eating, usually in the form of other fish.

官员表示,在英国水族中心展示的一大群食人鱼,由于体重节节上升,必须实施节食。A shoal of piranha fish on show at a British aquatic centre have had to be put on a diet after piling on the pounds in captivity, officials said.

在与传统的装甲车如瑞士莫瓦格“水虎鱼”装甲车外表相似的同时,VN1装甲步兵战车也有很多较大的差异,尤其是在内部。While similar in appearance to traditional vehicles such as the MOWAG Piranha , the VN1 APC has a number of major differences, especially internally.