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爱丽丝是我遗赠的礼物。Alice can be a legacy.

承袭的传统可以改变。The legacy can change.

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但是他的遗产问题依然成谜。But his legacy was at stake.

胡佛留下的遗风毁誉参半。Hoover leaves a bipolar legacy.

遗留系统和应用程序适配器Legacy and application adaptors

平凉市为府治所。Pingliang legacy for the House.

第五,关于巴克利的传奇。Fifthly, there's Buckley's legacy.

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我们是这个遗产的保存者。We are the keepers of this legacy.

这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso attaches to the legacy.

平凉市仍为府治所。Pingliang City House legacy remains.

默认的模式是存储转发。The legacy mode is store-and-forward.

您是否在处理遗留设备?Are you dealing with legacy equipment?

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最好的整顿较长的遗产。Best straighten up for a longer legacy.

这儿有霍布森的另一处遗产。Here there is another legacy of Hobson.

一个非物质文化遗产的传统。The tradition of a non-material legacy.

这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso is attached to this legacy.

羌道治所今舟曲西北。Qiang Road Northwest Zhouqu this legacy.

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凯伦说,“我们做的是一部永恒的遗产。”What we make is a longer-lasting legacy.

标语是关于创造我们的财富。The tagline is about creating our legacy.

对布列松真正的遗产你怎么看?。What do you see as Bresson's true legacy?