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每天使用牙线。Use dental floss daily.

你用牙线剔牙吗?。Did you floss your teeth?

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所以你也该用牙线。So you might as well floss.

你用牙线剔牙了吗?NO08, Did you floss your teeth?

每顿饭后刷牙并每天使用牙线。Brush after each meal and floss daily.

一天刷牙两次,用牙线洁牙一次。Brush twice a day, and floss once a day

刷牙或使用牙线时,牙龈出血Gums that bleed when you brush or floss

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不要让牙线在牙齿间折断。Don’t snap the floss between your teeth.

此外,你每天至少要用一次牙线。In addition, you should floss at least once a day.

同样的,每当你用牙线,就给自己奖励一个金星。Floss your teeth, and get a gold star on the chart!

你看过乔乱·艾略特的“弗洛斯河上的磨坊”吗?Have you read George Eliot's"The Mill on the Floss"?

经常用牙刷和牙线洁牙。Brush and floss regularly to reduce or prevent stains.

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每天一次使用丝线以清新口气,这是必须完成的。Floss once a day for fresh breath. Flossing is must-do.

将牙线在齿间来回拉动。Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.

用牙线和彩色意大利面做项链。Make necklaces out of colored pasta shapes and dental floss.

我的宝宝多大能在粥里面放点肉松呢?My baby how to put points in the dried meat floss congee it?

经常用牙刷和牙线洁牙。Step1. Brush and floss regularly to reduce or prevent stains.

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将这段悬挂着的牙线卷在另外一只手的中指上。Wind the dangling floss around the middle finger of the other hand.

然而,真正的冲击出现在我第一次看到FLOSS的数字。The real shock, however, came the first time I saw the FLOSS number.

丝棉就可以让里面的酱料免受外界的污染了。The silk floss padding can prevent the soy paste from contamination.