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这是一个锐角。It is an acute angle.

他是一个敏锐的观察家。He is an acute observer.

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您患了急性中耳炎。You have acute otitis media.

肺炎是一种急性病。Pneumonia is an acute disease.

她死于急性肺炎。She died from acute pneumonia.

斗争进一步激化。The struggle became more acute.

一颗蛀牙可以引起激烈的疼痛。A bad tooth can cause acute pain.

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您患的是急性结膜炎。You have got acute conjunctivitis.

不好急性羊水过多时。When not good acute polyhydramnios.

画家必须敏于观察。A painter must be an acute observer.

他得了急性盲肠炎。He suffered from acute appendicitis.

疟疾是一种急剧发热性疾病。Malaria is an acute febrile illness.

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他们的感觉非凡地敏锐。Their senses are miraculously acute.

痛乃逾甚。Then the pain became even more acute.

急性胃炎有哪些症状怎么治疗呢?How does acute gastritis have to treat?

复方麦冬丸没有明显的急性毒性。FFM did not show obvious acute toxicity.

斑疹伤寒是一个严重的问题的城市。Typhus was an acute problem of the city.

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您患的是急性传染性结膜炎。You have acute injective conjunctivitis.

急性和慢性甲沟炎的手。Acute and chronic paronychia of the hand.

临床上往往伴发急性膀胱炎。Clinically often comorbid acute cystitis.