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为什么普洛斯彼罗回到欧洲后就不再施法术了?Why does Prospero abandon his magic when he returns to Europe?

追求知识首先争取普洛斯彼罗进麻烦之内。The pursuit of knowledge gets Prospero into trouble in the first place.

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普洛斯彼罗指出,他的如同恶魔的自然无法被养育克服。His devilish nature can never be overcome by nurture, according to Prospero.

他们伤心害怕得都麻木了,竟认不出普洛斯彼罗来了。Grief and terror had so stupefied their sense, that they did not know Prospero.

在他的第一演说普洛斯彼罗中,丑陋坚持普洛斯彼罗偷了来自他的岛。In his first speech to Prospero, Caliban insists that Prospero stole the island from him.

尽管他的缺点如一个男人,然而,普洛斯彼罗对暴风雨的叙述很重要。Despite his shortcomings as a man, however, Prospero is central to The Tempest's narrative.

荣王爷说这番话时正站在东厢一间蓝色的屋里。It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood Prince Prospero as he uttered these words.

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说这番话时,普洛斯彼罗君王正站在东面那间蓝屋里。It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words.

布劳斯佩洛离开这岛以前,他解除了艾瑞尔的服侍,让这活泼的小精灵非常快乐。Before Prospero left the island, he let Ariel go from his service, to the great joy of that lively little spirit.

虽然他已经答应撤回他的魔术,但是普洛斯彼罗仍然似乎视他的女儿为他的游戏一个只典当。Though he has promised to relinquish his magic, Prospero still seems to see his daughter as a mere pawn in his game.

一经普洛斯彼罗除了追求知识的他吸收之外转移至一个主题,米兰达的注意被用铆钉固定。Once Prospero moves on to a subject other than his absorption in the pursuit of knowledge, Miranda's attention is riveted.

另一方面,丑陋对岛的主权渴求为领导安东尼奥的力量反映贪欲打倒普洛斯彼罗。On the other hand, Caliban's desire for sovereignty of the island mirrors the lust for power that led Antonio to overthrow Prospero.

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哪一,在最简单的水平,是显示费迪南和在最后的现场中玩西洋象棋的米兰达的普洛斯彼罗的象征重要性。That, at the simplest level, is the symbolic significance of Prospero revealing Ferdinand and Miranda playing chess in the final scene.

某日,当那不勒斯国王的船临近小岛的时候,普洛斯彼罗吩咐艾利尔用魔法唤起一阵风暴,让船在岛上触礁。When the king's ship nears the island, Prospero asks Ariel to summon up a magical storm that will cause the ship to be wrecked on the island.

米兰公爵普洛士帕罗和女儿蜜兰达、野人卡力班和精灵爱丽尔一起住在一座魔法岛上。Prospero , the true Duke of Milan is now living on an enchanted island with his daughter Miranda, the savage Caliban and Ariel, a spirit of the air.

王子惊奇的随著艾瑞尔的声音,来到了布劳斯佩洛和米兰达面前,他们二人正坐在大树的树荫下。The prince followed in wonder the sound of Ariel's voice, till it led him to Prospero and Miranda, who were sitting under the shade of a large tree.

在他的第一演说普洛斯彼罗中,他惋惜地提醒个他如何表示他所有的魔术家那在和离开岛当普洛斯彼罗最初到达的时候。In his first speech to Prospero, he regretfully reminds the magician of how he showed him all the ins and outs of the island when Prospero first arrived.

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普洛斯彼罗通过逃离荒岛的经历,他重新找到了属于自己的文化身份,成功返回米兰。Prospero negotiates his cultural reintegration and regains his European cultural identity after exile in an alien space, and succeeds in returning to Milan.

海上有个岛,住着一个叫普罗斯彼罗的老头和他的女儿,漂亮,年轻的米兰达。There was a certain island in the sea, the only inhabitants of which were an old man, whose name was Prospero , and his daughter Miranda, a very beautiful young lady.

布劳斯佩洛现在告诉他们,他们的船安全的停靠在港湾里,至于船员们都在船上,他和他的女儿在第二天早晨就要和他们一起回家。Prospero now told them that their ship was safe in the harbour, and the sailors all on board her, and that he and his daughter would go home with them the next morning.