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我们和镇上人协商给学生提供宿舍。We arrange with the townspeople to billet the students.

而镇上居民毫不掩饰他们的敌意。Some townspeople made no effort to hide their hostility.

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洪水割断了该镇居民与外界的联系。The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world.

该国大部分城市居民一个星期会停电三天。Most of its townspeople are without power for three days a week.

法国市民在美军士兵尸体上安放鲜花。French townspeople lay flowers on the body of an American soldier.

霏欧纳说,“镇民还在为自己的孩子而伤心。She said. “But the townspeople are still mourning for their children.

第一幕在塞维尔的一间香烟工厂旁,士兵们对路过的市民评头论足。Act I In Seville by a cigarette factory, soldiers comment on the townspeople.

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每天下午,伯尔尼城的居民集合在克拉姆街西头。Every afternoon, the townspeople of Berne convene at the west end of Kramgasse.

不,我是一个怪物,你知道,我可以把你变成火把,叉在干草叉上。Then you don't get hunted down by irate townspeople with pitchforks and torches.

深圳市市民中心是新的深圳市政府大厦,是深圳市的标志性建筑。The townspeople centre of Shenzhen city is a new government mansion of Shenzhen city.

当外星人来袭,开始绑架小镇居民的时候,这三个人被迫联手。All three reluctantly join forces when aliens swoop in and start abducting townspeople.

他的同学们也呼救了,但是绝望的镇民们没有办法移开那些厚重的水泥板。His classmates also yelled, but desperate townspeople couldn't move the heavy concrete planks.

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既然没有物品失窃,袭击者的作案动机也就成了众人心目难解的谜团。Since nothing had been stolen, the assailant’s motive puzzled townspeople and authorities alike.

这样做是为了让镇民有时间到外面按著他们的马直到你通过该镇。This is so the townspeople will have time to go out and hold their horses until you get through town.

城里所有的人都逃命去了,对他们那正燃烧著的城市甚至都没有回头再看一眼。All the townspeople fled for their life, giving not so much as a backward glance at their burning town.

镇里的另外一些人拿着用灯心草编的奥斯瓦德的王冠、他的手以及其他的“图案”。Other townspeople bring "bearings, " woven rush emblems in the shape of Oswald's crown, his hand, and other designs.

尽管许多镇民和部分地质学家不同意,该公司表示,所有过量的氰化物将全数排出艾斯尔。Although many townspeople and some geologists disagree, the company says any excess cyanide would drain away from Esquel.

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宝鸡簸箕山滑坡是宝鸡市区的一个大型滑坡,危及许多市民及建筑的安全。Boqishan landslide is one large-scale landslide in Baoji city and it endangers the safety of many townspeople and buildings.

在小镇上,她必须搞清楚这到底怎么一回事然后尽其所责帮助小镇居民重回他们的童话世界。There, she must figure out what’s actually going on and do her bit to help the townspeople return to their fairy-tale reality.

“刚才,城里的百姓抓到了一个可疑的人,把她带到了宫门前。”门卫们报告完毕就离开了。"Just now, the townspeople caught a suspicious person and brought her to the castle. " The gate soldiers informed and departed.