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基督教颂扬信、望、爱三德。Christianism eulogizes three virtues of belief, hope and love.

虽然结果不尽如人意,但基督教对他们的影响是不可忽视的。The result is not satisfactory, but the influence of Christianism can not be ignored.

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基督教在近代吉林朝鲜族中传播始于19世纪中叶,20世纪初发展较快。The promotion of Christianism at neoteric North Korea started in the middle of 19 century.

还有一些宗教也有很长的历史,比如说伊斯兰教和基督教,他们上市了么?There are also other religions , such as christianism and Islamism with long history, do they IPO?

没有基督教,现代西方音乐的发生、发展和繁荣都是不可想象的。Without Christianism , the occurrence, development and prosperity of Western music are unimaginable.

还有可兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典,就好像圣经之于基督教,佛经之于佛教一样。And the Koran is the scripture of Islamite, just like Christianism with Bible or Buddhism with Sutra.

您应该已注意到最广泛的宗教的影响力,如基督教和佛教。You should already notice the influences to most widespread religions, like Christianism and Buddism.

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在贺麟的新心学理论体系中,基督教精神是其不可或缺的内在的思想质素。The spirit of christianism is the requisite and intrinsic idealistic ingredient in Helin's New Ideology of Mind.

公司备有3个礼堂,可同时进行佛教、天主教或基督教葬礼仪式。The company has prepared 3 halls, so a Buddhism, Catholicism and Christianism Funeral Ceremony can be held simultaneously.

相反,天主教和基督教却因为“本色化”运动的展开,不断向农村社会中渗透,并不断扩大其对农村社会变迁的影响力。While catholicism and christianism continued to infiltrate through the country society and enlarge the influence by the nativism.

期间为我们发放了两天的时刻表,这才明白,看来宣传基督教仍然是这次活动的主旋律。During the meal, we got the schedule of this weekend. I finnally know that advertise Christianism is the main purpose in this weekend.

贺麟认为,由于儒家在宗教维度上的不足,因此,儒家思想需要借助于接纳基督教精神而予以发挥。Helm believes the confucianism needs to take up the spirit of christianism to bring into play for its lack in religious dimensionality.

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贺麟认为,由于儒家在宗教维度上的不足,因此,儒家思想需要借助于接纳基督教精神而予以发挥。Helin believes the confucianism needs to take up the spirit of christianism to bring into play for its lack in religious dimensionality.

面对如火如荼的非基督教学生运动,司徒雷登积极地面对,并主动实行了一系列顺应历史发展潮流的改革。In face of the fierce non- christianism movement, Stuart positively made a series of reformations which conformed to historical tidal current.

文章从宗教文化对语言的影响这个角度出发,探讨了西方基督教文化对英语语言的影响,以及东方佛教文化对汉语语言的影响。The article discusses the influence of Christianism culture on the English language and the influence of Buddhism culture on the Chinese language.

以基督教为代表的西方传统思想认为人的死亡是肉体的死亡,但是却灵魂是永恒不灭的。Western traditional ideology, the representative of which is christianism , believes that man's death is the death of body, but the soul is immortal.

翻译伊斯兰教是与佛教和基督教并列的世界三大宗教,它诞生于阿拉伯半岛的社会大变动时期,并于后来传入中国。Islamism, Buddhism and Christianism are the world's top three religions. Islamism originated in Arabia during the society's change stage and was spread to China later.

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但是长期以来,在谈到许地山思想与创作的宗教性的时候,人们大多只提到佛教的影响,而对道教、基督教的影响关注不多。But for a long time when people mentioned the religious influence to his thought and writing, Buddhism was a hero and Taoism and Christianism were showed a cold shoulder.

在中国近代史上,有一个非常引人瞩目的现象,即统治阶级与被统治阶级联合一致,共同反对基督教在中国的传播。There was a striking phenomenon in the modern history of china namely the gerentocratic and the class-governed constently united and protected christianism from spreading in china.

通过分析李氏兄弟对基督教思想所做的本土化尝试,本文试图证明明末儒生在接受和吸收异质文化时,所秉持的根是儒家“和而不同”、“执两用中”的中庸心态。Their literatures showed the primal localize to Christianism. We would try to prove that the way they absorbed the different culture is the absolutely Chinese way called The Doctrine of the Mean.