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对于较轻的凹陷,激光磨皮或微晶磨皮效果也还不错。For the lighter sag, laser exfoliating or microcrystalline exfoliating effect also is good.

蜜腊为深蓝色微晶石的主要组成矿物青金石。Lapis lazuli is a dark blue microcrystalline rock composed primarily of the mineral lazurite.

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综合介绍了微晶淀粉的分类、制备方法和应用前景。The classification, application and preparation methods of microcrystalline starch were reviewed.

微晶纤维素,硬脂酸,洋槐树胶修改过的纤维素胶,和胶质二氧化硅。Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, acacia gum modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

该公司也提供大量的石蜡和微晶蜡,用于多种终端产品。The company also offers a full range of paraffin and microcrystalline waxes for a wide variety of end uses.

微晶纤维素,蔗糖脂肪酸酯,磷酸氢钙,二氧化硅,甲基纤维素。Microcrystalline cellulose, sucrose fatty acid esters, dicalcium phosphate, silicon dioxide, methylcellulose.

方法应用微晶小颗粒荧光乳浊液显现血、汗指纹。Method The microcrystalline fluorescent emulsion was used for both of blood fingerprint and sweat fingerprint.

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研究了离子束溅射制备微晶硅薄膜的生长纵向结晶演化过程。Depth crystalline evolution property for microcrystalline Si films deposited by ion-beam sputtering was studied.

以微晶纤维素和尿素为原料,二甲苯为溶剂合成了纤维素氨基甲酸酯。Cellulose carbamate was synthesized in xylene as solvent with microcrystalline cellulose and urea as raw materials.

采用甚高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术制备了不同衬底温度的微晶硅薄膜。Non-uniformity of microcrystalline silicon thin film deposited by VHF-PECVD along the growth direction was studied.

在微晶石墨微粒表面包覆一层树脂碳可以降低微晶石墨的首次不可逆容量。To reduce the irreversible capacity of natural microcrystalline graphite, carbon coating on graphite was an efficient method.

实现高速沉积对于薄膜微晶硅太阳电池产业化降低成本是一个重要手段。To realize high deposition rate is an important problem in low-cost industrialization of microcrystalline silicon solar cells.

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以石蜡、微晶蜡为原料,采用纯氧氧化、酯化工艺,合成符合天然巴西棕榈蜡指标的替代品。Carnauba wax substitute was synthesized from paraffin and microcrystalline wax by oxidation with pure oxygen and esterification.

含金矿脉主要由中等-最大微斜长石、石英、黄铁矿和微晶自然金等矿物组成。The gold-bearing ore veins consist of microcline from intermediate to maximum, quartz, pyrite and microcrystalline natural gold.

微晶蜡的平均分子结构可看作是带不同长度与个数的长侧链的含1个或2个环的环烷烃。The molecular structure of microcrystalline wax can be regarded as cycloalkanes with 1 or 2 rings and various long alkyl chains.

通过对微晶纤维素的特性、使用范围及制备工艺的介绍,说明了其在食品等行业广泛应用的前景。The text introduce microcrystalline cellulose's characteristic and apply, account for the outlook of it in the vocation of food.

用废弃的硫铁尾矿高岭土制备彩色矿渣微晶玻璃,其关键是降低尾矿高岭土的铁含量。The key to use pyrite tailings kaolin to product colored microcrystalline glass is to reduce iron content in the tailings kaolin.

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胶条刀口使用双面微晶切割,使整个雨刷受力均匀,效果更稳定,清晰和宁静。Strip blade with double-sided microcrystalline cutting , makewhole wipers dint even , the effect is more stable , clear and peace.

可供选择的治疗方式有彩光换肤、染料激光换肤、果酸换肤、微晶换肤等等。Alternative therapy has change skin, dye laser light shows change skin, fruit changes skin, microcrystalline changes skin, and so on.

供压敏元件用的n型氢化微晶硅薄膜用射频辉光放电法己被制成,并对它进行了研究。N-type hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films for pressure sensor applications were prepared by r. f glow-discharge and studied.