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保持你的动力。Sustain your momentum.

三个拱形礅支撑着那座桥。Three arches sustain the bridge.

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坑道顶儿用柱子顶着。The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.

坑道顶用柱子支撑着。The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.

他们有足够维持生命的食物。They had sufficient food to sustain life.

首先,它自我矛盾了。First of all, this thing can't sustain itself.

我和丹尼斯的关系只是不能再走下去了。My and Denniss relationship just couldnt sustain.

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这书蛮可以同古典作品相媲美。The book can sustain comparison with the classics.

对你上司的粗暴无礼你还能忍受多久?How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?

你如何组织你的电站使它能保持安全?How do you organise your plant to sustain this safety?

吃那么少的东西,怎么走得了那么长的路呢?You have eaten too little to sustain the long journey.

爱护动物可以维持生态平衡吗?Protecting animals can sustain ecological balance. Why?

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我认为,我们应该把非军事援助款额增加两倍,而且,我们应该把这项承诺持续10年。We should sustain that commitment for a 10-year period.

我们使用的能源可以维持这个星球,也可以毁坏它。The energy we use can sustain our planet, or destroy it.

我们不可能不休息而一直保持相同的产量。We can’t sustain the same output endlessly without rest.

尽管如此,“乐施会所做的只是维持自己的存在”,她说。Nonetheless “A lot of what Oxfam does is to sustain Oxfam.

考虑完善的方法应该是激励人且持续的。A well-thought-out approach should both inspire and sustain.

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我们没有足够的财力使宣传活动长期保持下去。We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.

有伴的需保持耐心,沉着冷静。Attached?Sustain patience, serenity, and your self-possession.

双重人格需要用双重谎言来支撑。The double-edged lies needed to be sustain a double-edged life.