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粗心读者以为保罗在此推翻了利未记11章的教训。NKJV Some think that Paul overthrew all that God said in Lev. 11.

列弗还没经历过这么多的战斗,他们没机会对抗雇佣军。Lev had not seen much of the fight, they'd had no chance against mercenaries.

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列宁一起,领导了俄国革命,红军的建立者。Lev Davidovich Bronstein. Leader, with V. I. Lenin, of the Russian Revolution.

我最近在我的博客里转载了那夫罗佐夫的一些文章。I recently reprinted some articles of Lev Navrozov from World Tribune on my blog.

精疲力尽的列弗到达庙宇,用他仅有的那点力量锤击着大门。The exhausted Lev reached the temple and hammered with his failing strength on the door.

作为一名企业家,倪捷把在电动自行车和LEV上的成功看成是走向“更大和更好”的电动化交通工具的关键一步。Ever the entrepreneur, Ni sees the success of the LEV as a step toward bigger and better things.

虽然从利未记和何西阿书所引的是无条件的,如何去理解以赛亚书第五十二章的这一节呢?While the quotes from Lev and Hos are unconditional, what are we tomakeof the quote from Isaiah 52?

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所有幸福的家庭彼此都很相似,而每个不幸的家庭却各有自己的不幸。——托尔斯泰。All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family unhappy in its own way. —— Lev Tolstoy.

如果能将林地价值进行量化,那么就能给林地资产评估带来很多方便。It introduces and Analyses forestland asset evaluation methods, emphasizes serviceability of he LEV method.

但今天见到赖夫后,我真的想收养他,我不知道怎麽才能办到,但他已经偷走了我的心,也偷走了大卫的心。But having seen Lev today, I would love to adopt him. I don't know how we do that but he has stolen my heart.

目的了解新疆兵团公安民警生活事件与心理健康水平的相关。Objective To study the relation between police life events and the lev el of mental health in XinJiang Corps.

彼得伊里奇柴可夫斯基写了音乐和佩蒂巴和列夫伊凡诺夫创造了芭蕾的舞蹈动作。Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote the music and Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov created the ballet's dance movements.

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列夫·托尔斯泰人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。Lev · Tolstoi the person in the wisdom must be Ming Huo, in the morals should be pure, on the body should be clean.

卓娅从莫斯科启程后,“我”开始为列弗与他的新娘布置“见面屋”。As Zoya makes the journey from Moscow, it is the narrator's job to prepare the House of Meetings for Lev and his bride.

多种动物模型显示左乙拉西坦具有抗癫痫特性。The antiepileptic activity of Lev was assessed in a number of animal models ereated for investigation of epileptic seizures.

身边永远要带着铅笔和笔记本,读书和谈话时碰到的一切美妙的地方和话语都把它记下来。——列夫·托尔斯泰。Always with a pencil and a notebook, reading and talking all the wonderful places and words to write it down. -- Lev Tolstoy.

第77分钟,伊列夫放倒托尼,佩佩在门前28米处主罚任意球偏出左门柱。The first 77 minutes, Iran lev Tony tipped over, Pepe in the 28 meters in front of the Department free kicks missed the left post.

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斯凯发誓不能让孪生弟弟列夫来捣乱他的约会女孩,可当列夫再次成功将女孩把走,斯凯冲弟弟发疯了。Skye vowed to not let his twin brother Lev to trouble dating girls, but when the girl Lev success will go again, Skye red brother crazy.

雷米佐夫和莫斯科科学家列费·布列文合作设计了本项目,后者为空间站研发了节能措施。Remizov collaborated on the project with Moscow-based scientist Lev Britvin, who has developed energy-saving solutions for space stations.

拉维达中心民意调查集团的勒夫古德科威说,普京头上的“魅力光环”催生出一种类似于“电视里的拜占庭”的系统。The "charismatic aura" for Mr Putin, says Lev Gudkov of the Levada Centre polling group, has produced a system like "Byzantium, only on television.