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请告诉我。Enlighten me, please.

谢谢你开导我。Thank you for enlighten me.

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你能给我开导一下吗?Could you please enlighten me?

我怎么才能让你这木头脑袋开窍呢?How can i enlighten your wooden head.

对这个问题你能启发启发她吗?Can you enlighten her on this subject?

我想也许你能够让他搞明白。I thought perhaps you could enlighten it.

他说,这样或许可以启发他们。That, he said, might help enlighten them.

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当照明心中的眼睛时会发生什么事?What Happened When the Eyes of Heart Enlighten?

这回轮到我来点破埃兹拉·吉宁士了。It was my turn, now, to enlighten Ezra Jennings.

我不明白这条建议,你能不能启发我一下。Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal.

说服者可能给与我们启发,也可能带来巨大的麻烦。Persuaders may enlighten our minds or trouble us greatly.

经常性的启迪性对话可以很好的启蒙儿童。Frequent edifying conversations can well enlighten children.

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我希望我的研究成果会对我的同事们有所启发。I hope the results of my research will enlighten my colleagues.

你能否介绍中国有关互联网的法律和管理规定?Could you enlighten us on Chinese laws and regulations on internet?

各章开头引用了一句名言,以启迪思考,娱悦身心。Each chapter begins with an epigraph, a quote to enlighten and amuse.

新公共管理对中国行政改革有着启示意义。NPM can enlighten people who undertake administrative reform in China.

建立一个博客,开导别人或者与朋友们讨论想法。You can build a Blog to enlighten others or discuss ideas with friends.

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如果有谁知道更多关于芯片组的消息,请不吝赐教。If anyone has more information about these chipsets, please enlighten me.

指望来自自由世界的救世主突然降临来给人们自由?Saviors from the Free World enlighten the people and give the people freedom?

他写小说的目的在于使一般读者得到娱乐并受到教育。启发,开导。The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.