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我们甚至连腹部都没有露出来。There wasn't even a midriff on display.

他突然感到腹部一阵剧烈疼痛。He was struck by a stabbing pain in his midriff.

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年轻的美国女性认为穿露脐装是一种时尚。Young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable.

由于膈肌紧张,最好采用胸式呼吸。Because midriff flesh is nervous, had better use pectoral type breath.

“我会穿连帽衫,我不会把我的腰部露出来很多的。”她这样说到。I wear a lot of hoodies . I typically don't show my midriff a lot, ' she said.

现在我被设定为一个女人,所以我们需要很多露腰上衣,许多紧身胸衣。Now I'm supposed to be a woman, so we've got a lot of midriff , and a lot of tight corset.

作者认为有很多的合理的生物解释证明胆石症与鼓胀的腰围有关。The authors suggest that there are plausible biological explanations for a link between gallstones and the midriff bulge.

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作为这种刑罚的特色,这样做能保证受刑者在切被到肚脐的位置前都保持清醒,有时甚至能在锯到上腹部之前都保持清醒。Typically, the saw would reach the victim’s navel before unconsciousness would take hold — sometimes as far as the midriff.

忒简单了。在我录这些话的时候,我已经身处后台了,当时我注意到一个笑呵呵的小伙子正指着他的肚子。Piece of cake. Just as I had it taped, just as I was in the zone, I became aware of a chap beaming and pointing at his midriff.

你在派对上遇到的女孩带着她那裸着上腹的头像跑到你未婚妻的留言墙上乱涂一气——等等,她到底是从哪儿冒出来的?A girl you met once at a party who's baring her midriff in her profile picture wrote on your fiancee's wall -- hold on, where'd she come from?

不过,如果你去某个很热的地方度假,而你有不想让腹部长时间暴露在外,下面这款泳衣也许会帮到你。However, I can see that if you're on holiday somewhere hot and you don't want your midriff on display the whole time, such a thing would have its merits.

20世纪30年代,欧洲女性最先开始穿着这款两件套泳衣,泳衣由颈部系带和短小的布料组成,但是只有上腹部的一小薄片是露出来的,而肚脐部位是被特意覆盖了的。European women first began wearing two-piece bathing suits that consisted of a halter top and shorts in the 1930s, but only a sliver of the midriff was revealed and the navel was vigilantly covered.