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集中练习16至20这几个新数字。Concentrate on the new numbers 16-20.

全身心构筑你的角色。Concentrate on building your character.

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要进行阅读你必须集中注意力。When you read, you have to concentrate.

我可以全心过我自己的生活了。I was able to concentrate on my own life.

专注于较少,但是给你最好的事情。Concentrate on less, but give it your best.

现在观注最复杂的组件。Concentrate on the most complex components.

目不斜视,注意力集中,一次就做一件事。Focus. Concentrate. Do one thing at a time.

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GAMS让使用者把精力集中到建模上。GAMS lets the user concentrate on modeling.

人们的集中力是有限的。People's ability to concentrate is limited.

我们的工作需要集中在哪里呢?Where do we need to concentrate our efforts?

工作时你要全神贯注。You should concentrate when you are at work.

我愈发难以集中精神。It's growing harder and harder to concentrate.

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就是基本上集中关注现在,这里,Just basically concentrate on the here and now

我们必须集中精力保证不丢球。We have to concentrate on not conceding goals.

我正在集中注意力,别打扰我。Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate.

他皱起眉头努力集中精神。He scrunched up his face, trying to concentrate.

我必须努力做到最好,专注于比赛。I have to do my best and concentrate on the race.

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如此吵杂以至于我无法专心在工作上。It's so noisy that I can't concentrate on my work.

以上几点使得风险极易集中。They make it beguilingly easy to concentrate risk.

采用酶法对大豆浓缩蛋白进行改性。Soy protein concentrate was enzymatically modified.