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莫丝有风度地接受了胜利。Moth accepted the victory graciously.

他婉言谢绝了一切来访。He graciously declined all the visits.

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但我们务必要以慈爱和祷告的心来作这工。But let's make sure we do it graciously and prayerfully.

于是我做了一个最佳的决定,那就是优雅地见好就收。I decided the best thing to do was to graciously bow out.

亲切地我已经收到明治天皇皇帝的最后指示。A. Graciously I have received Meiji Emperor's last injunctions.

虽然这个官位很高,但他还是婉言拒绝了。Although it was a very high position, he graciously refused it.

而凯蒂欣然表示感激,参与进来扮演这个角色。And Katee graciously obliged in coming in and playing this role.

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感谢你盛情地邀请我参加这次盛会。Thank you for graciously inviting me to join this august gathering.

欣然接受奖项需要一些思考和准备。Accepting an award graciously requires some thought and preparation.

但是约书亚很大方地答应了,今天来到节目和我们聊天。But Joshua has graciously agreed to us today on International Forum.

但是今天他很有风度地接受,我们国际论坛的采访。But today he has graciously agreed to talk to us on International Forum.

第二个人很礼貌地感谢了第一个人,继续走向吧台。The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar.

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高笛瓦勒在书中隐去了所有人物的真实姓名。Godiwalla graciously changed all of the names of the characters in her book.

上帝也仁慈的让我与两个儿子重归于好,现在他们一个24岁一个26岁。God also graciously restored my relationship with my sons, now ages 24 and 26.

我记得你的嘴唇的轮廓,客客气气如此紧密地压矿山。I remember the contours of your lips, graciously pressed so tightly against mine.

你亲切地接过来,一边细细品味,一边注视着壁炉中熊熊的火焰。You accept graciously. Sipping the tea you gaze into the flames of the fireplace.

这位女宾很大方地挽住我的胳膊,由我引她去进餐。The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner.

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或者你优雅地让步,并将建设性的批评用作成长的阶梯?Or do you graciously take it into stride and use the criticism constructively for growth?

巧妙提出成熟建议的人很了不起,虚心接受成熟建议的人更伟大。It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater to accept it graciously.

礼貌地解释为什么现在不能说话,并建议晚些时候再聊。Graciously explain why you can't talk now, and suggest catching up at an appointed time later.