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它是恐惧。它是相异,分离的感觉。It's the sense of otherness , separateness.

它是相异,分离的感觉。It ' s the sense of otherness , separateness.

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让我们看看你的文章,但不爱那厢。Your article helps us to look not to separateness but to love.

爱可以使人战胜孤独和分离之感。Love makes one overcome the sense of isolation and separateness.

真正的爱情能在一致性和分离性两者之间找到平衡。True love finds a balance between togetherness and separateness.

数十年来,巴黎以与华盛顿保持距离而自豪。For decades, Paris has prided itself on its separateness from Washington.

认同它们的生活就像对分离的幻象投降,并认为它们是现实。To live by them is like giving in to the illusion of separateness and accepting it as reality.

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在芯片扫描图的信息处理中采用了子图分割和单独处理方式。In treating with a chip scan picture, adopt sub-picture segmentation and separateness disposal mode.

爱是活跃于人心中的一种力量,------它使我们战胜孤独无助。Love is an active power in man , ---Love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness.

德国诗人里尔克认为,这是解决分离与联结分歧的唯一途径。According to the German poet Rilke, this is the only solution to the dichotomy of separateness and connection.

在外界环境及不断变化和分离的幻象中,努力更加接近自我其实是一场游戏。It’s just a game to learn to be it more completely amidst environment, and the illusions of constant change and separateness.

“事实上,”珀森说,“在所有的爱情中,都存在共处、统一与独立、区别之间的内在互动。"In fact," says Person, "all love has this internal dynamic between togetherness and oneness, and independence and separateness.

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“事实上,”珀森说,“在所有的爱情中,都存在共处、统一与独立、区别之间的内在互动。"In fact, " says Person, "all love has this internal dynamic between togetherness and oneness, and independence and separateness.

食用动物使我们下意识地紧张,以至于我们神经质地过分强调我们的独特性,以及我们与动物的区别。Eating animals makes us so subconsciously nervous that we neurotically overemphasize our uniqueness and our separateness from them.

但建立自尊的一方面是,实际上确定并承认与他人的独立性。But one of the many aspects of building self-esteem is in fact, identifying and acknowledging our separateness in relation to others.

人类的分离不能通过拉平或混合不同目的而将其压入一个合成的公共福利。Human separateness may not be diminished by levelling, averaging, or amalgamating different human ends into a composite public welfare.

在这个似乎被恐惧、保护主义和相互隔离所统治的世界里,唐在他那乡村公路旁的小店里依然保留了这些美好的品德。In a world where fear, protectionism, and separateness seem to rule, Don reversed those conditions in his little shop on a country road.

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自我的分离感或许就是破坏头脑完整性的根源,这点正是我们深切关注的。The egotistic separateness is perhaps the very root of the degeneration of the wholeness of the mind with which we are deeply concerned.

爱就是与你身外的某人或某物紧密相连,但前提是保持自身的独立与完整。Loe is union with somebody , or something . outside oneself, under the condition of retain the separateness and integrity of one's own self.

但是我们需要记住,我们这里讨论的健康的独立性,并不意味着对他人冷漠或者和他人对着干。But we need to keep in mind that the healthy separateness we are discussing here is not intended to mean indifference or even contentiousness with others.