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你喜欢凤尾竹吗?Do you like fern leaf bamboo?

芬趴在房门口往里窥视。Fern peered through the door.

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岩浆中萌生的蕨类植物,夏威夷Fern Growing From Lava, Hawaii

弗恩爱威尔伯盛过一切。Fern loved Wilbur more than anything.

羊齿很快地从地里长出来。The fern quickly grew from the earth.

“你的舌头是紫色的!”弗恩尖叫了起来。"Your tongue is purple! " screamed Fern.

桦树枝,厥叶,车前花。Birch Sticks, Fern Leaves, Ribwort Stems.

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那个过沟菜蕨是你要卖的吗?。Are you going to sell that vegetable fern?

长有常绿复叶的北美蕨类。North American fern with evergreen fronds.

“我要去看威尔伯。”弗恩也宣布道。"I'm going to visit Wilbur, " Fern announced.

蕨类孢子以中华卷柏和三缝孢为主。Selaginella sinensis is the mainly fern spores.

带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。North american fern with a blackish lustrous stipe.

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长有浆果的一种北美蕨类植物。North American fern often bearing bulbils on the leaflets.

鞭叶蕨属一个不大被人知道的中国产的蕨属。Cyrtomidictyum Ching, a yet little known Chinese fern genus.

第二年羊齿长得更快更浓密。In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.

“看看你的的四周”?说“你看到羊齿和竹子没有?”Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

芬恩在学校的那段时间,威尔伯被关在他自己的院子里。While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard.

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为了试图制止世界上的不公正行为,弗恩天刚亮就起床了。Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice.

带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。North American fern with narrow fronds on yellowish leafstalks.

黄色叶柄处具有窄小复叶的北美蕨类。North American fern with narrow fronds on yellowish leafstalks.