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他们是健康又高薪的年轻人。They are healthy, gainfully employed young people.

假如他们能就业拿工资,他们的犯罪倾向会有所减弱。If they could be gainfully employed, their tendency toward crime would be reduced.

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同时,你也需要给自己找份业余工作以保证自己有所收入。Meanwhile, you need to accept a part-time job to keep yourself gainfully employed.

作为一个有执业资格的教师,当我够资格有能力但没被高薪聘用时,我会觉得惭愧吗?Did I feel guilty about not being gainfully employed when I was qualified and capable?

他们已经上班赚钱,并且他们知道扶轮为世界所做的好事。They are already gainfully employed, and they know what good Rotary does in the world.

我必须保证他们的工资,以及在正确的时间做正确的事。I had to make sure they were gainfully employed and doing the right things at the right time.

在上述事件发生时,她是就业,在当地的食品加工厂工作。At the time of the incidents, she was gainfully employed, working in a local food processing plant.

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另外您还必须有偿工作至少80天,才能再次获得领取补助金的权利。In addition you will be required to be gainfully employed for at least 80 days before you can obtain benefit again.

那么对这些回答做何评价呢?我们当然不知道。他们可能最终都能找到工作——并且很高兴。And what to make of the responses? We have no idea, of course. They may well all wind up gainfully employed — and happy.

他们通常都有家室、有住房、有份报酬不错的工作,看起来跟其他社会成员没什么两样。Serial murderers often have families and homes, are gainfully employed, and appear to be normal members of the community.

所以无论你是失业还是拥有不错报酬的工作,你都应该时刻关注着人才市场上性质的变化。So whether you're out of work or you're gainfully employed, you should keep on eye on the changing nature of our job market.

政府也拨款2千万令吉训练印裔青年,使他们可以学得一技之长和找到工作。The government has allocated 20 million ringgit to re-train and re-skill Indian youths so that they could be gainfully employed.

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平心而论,与现在的很多年轻男子不同的是,我的这位新前类男友不仅薪水丰厚,他也有令人过目难忘的履历。To be fair, unlike many young men today, this new quasi-ex of mine is not only gainfully employed, he has a very impressive resume.

尽管重新成为有工作一族能带来巨大的压力,但专家们建议求职者要尽量遏制自己的求职绝望感。While there can be a tremendous amount of pressure to rejoin the ranks of the gainfully employed, experts recommend that seekers try to curb desperation.

在跟湖人队的内科医生约翰-莫商量之后,我觉得我能继续打拼一个NBA赛季,包括另外一次漫长的季后赛之旅。After consulting with Lakers team internist Dr. John Moe, I feel confident that I can gainfully pursue an NBA season with another long playoff postseason.

不论你在寻找工作或者你已经富有成效地找到工作了,通过了解别人的需要,你将会成为一个更加有价值的人、雇员、经理和领导。Whether you are seeking a job or you are gainfully employed, by understanding the needs of others you will become a more valuable person, employee, manager and leader.

想通过轻敲键盘来寻找新工作的人不单单只是大学毕业生们而已,在职人士也想通过微博来寻求更多更好的工作机会。College graduates aren`t the only ones taking to their keyboards to find a new job. China`s gainfully employed are also using microblogs to seek bigger and better opportunities.

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但经历了20份求职申请,4个求职面试和三个半月的等待,王先生终于重新受雇——在香港的IPP金融顾问公司任职金融顾问。But 20 job applications, four interviews and three and a half months later, Mr. Wong was again gainfully employed — as a financial consultant at IPP Financial Advisors in Hong Kong.

所谓工作时限,就是在失业前的12个月里,您须有一份有报酬的工作,且该工作至少有6个月每月工作至少80小时。The work requirement is that you during the 12-month period immediately before the unemployment, must have been gainfully employed for at least 80 hours per month for at least 6 calendar months.