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基督教是什么?What is Christianity?

我信仰基督教。I believe in Christianity.

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基督教和埃及基督徒。Christianity and the Copts.

他使她改信基督教。He convert her to Christianity.

他使我改信基督教。He converted me to Christianity.

基督教有它自己的指导。Christianity has its instruction.

使徒保罗的基督教是如何得胜的How Pauline Christianity Triumphed

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圣保罗欢闹了基督教。St. Paul cavorted to Christianity.

他是一个基督教的背信者。He is an apostate from Christianity.

她变成了一个虔诚的基督徒。She became an addict of Christianity.

他真诚地改信了基督教。He honestly converted to Christianity.

十字架是基督教的象征。The cross is an emblem of Christianity.

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她放弃异教而改信基督教。She abandoned paganism for Christianity.

她秘密地施了洗礼,加入了基督教。She secretly baptized into Christianity.

基督教圣诗是基督教的重要组成部分。Hymn is an important part of Christianity.

我觉得这是对基督教的诽谤。I think that's the defamation of Christianity.

基督教概述了上帝为属衪的世界的计划。Christianity outlines God's plan for His world.

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这也正是基督教最基本的矛盾所在。This is the fundamental paradox of Christianity.

最早的盎格鲁—撒克逊人改信基督教。The early Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity.

基督信仰和上帝的恩典是紧密相连的。Christianity and the grace of God go hand in hand.