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她是个地道的巫婆。She is a sure-enough hag.

她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。She gradually turns into an old hag.

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有着黄板牙的丑婆子。For the old hag with the yellow teeth.

纽芬兰人称其为“老巫婆”。Newfoundlanders know it as the "Old Hag."

一位老巫婆对蟹堡王下了诅咒。An old hag puts a curse on the Krusty Krab.

一个满脸皱纹、皮包骨的老太婆在旁边看着她们。Looking over them was a wrinkled, scraggy hag.

它张开它的胳膊,宽到能够抱住一个河马。It can open its arms wide enough to hag a hippo.

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妈妈把蛋糕切成两半分给我们一人一半。Mother cut the cake in hag and gave us some each.

我想把我“该死的手”放哪就放哪,你这鬼婆。I'll put my "damn hands" on anyone I want, you hag.

将要洗的衣服放到洗衣袋中,填好表格即可。Just leave it in the laundry hag and fill in the form.

我听过他们玩弄这样的主意,你是个女巫。I've heard they toyed with the idea of saying You're a Hag.

我将会揉破这个女巫,让她一无所有除了她身上的丁字内裤。I 'll crush that hag and leave her with nothing but her G- string !

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当她的生命走到尽头,她已经成为一个扭曲而充满仇恨的老鬼婆。When her life came to an end, she was a twisted and bitter old hag.

如果您能,风暴女巫的直接出逃,在您旁边是不错。If you can, flee immediately, for the Storm Hag is right beside you.

你想听我再次讲述与那凶暴妖女的搏斗?Would you like to hear the story of my struggle against this monstrous hag?

她真是个“标签女”。尽管她不喜欢我那件范思哲的衣服,她还是想借去穿。She's such a tag hag. She wanted to wear my Versace even though she hates it!

我深知默多克森这婆娘是个坏透了的女人,可是我想她喜欢过我。I knew this woman Murdockson was an infernal hag , but I thought she loved me.

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忘记在绿野仙踪的咯咯地叫绿色女巫,忘了从蛊惑萨曼莎。Forget the cackling green hag in The Wizard of Oz, forget Samantha from Bewitched.

然后,这个看着你吃的有皱纹的丑陋的老太婆强迫你吃你吐的东西。Then, the wrinkled hag watching every portion you eat forces you to eat that vomit.

如果您不能,则祈祷什么都对您的慈悲的上帝,为了风暴女巫不会授予您。If you cannot, then pray to your God for mercy, for the Storm Hag will grant you none.