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这是一顶睡帽。Here is a nap cap.

这是一顶红帽子。Here is a red cap.

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我的军帽可掉了。I had lost my cap.

还有一顶棒球帽。And a baseball cap.

这是一顶蓝帽子。Here is a blue cap.

我想要一个红色的鸭舌帽。I'd like a red cap.

把沿帽涂成粉色。Colour the cap pink.

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请去把我的帽子取来。Please fetch my cap.

旋回木盖。Screw back wood cap.

这顶鸭舌帽是给你的。This cap is for you.

这是一顶小帽子。Here is a little cap.

直尖帽脚趾。Straight tip cap toe.

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鞋头可以做成皮革吗?Can toe cap be leather?

主轴承盖松动。Loose main bearing cap.

使用后须旋紧外盖!Cap tightly after using.

我没有一顶红帽子。I do not have a red cap.

阿嘟今天戴了顶红帽子。Du wears a red cap today.

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如果这顶帽子合适你,就戴吧!If the cap fits, wear it.

那是一顶帽子还是一个钟?Is that a cap or a clock?

像浴帽设计。Like a shower cap design.