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谁解决了这个问题?Who solved the problem?

得了性病怎么解决啊。Got venereal how be solved.

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这个奥秘始终未得到解释。The mystery was never solved.

这样的问题能够解决。These problems can be solved.

它们在你的课本中解出。They are solved in your book.

你的难题终将解决。Your problem would be solved.

问题算解决了。The problem is finally solved.

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问题得到公正解决。The problem was fairly solved.

没问题,爷爷已把它解决了。No problem. Granpa has solved it.

我们完全解决了这个问题。And we solved the problem exactly.

好吧,我的密码问题得到解决。Ok, my passcode problem is solved.

为什么这个问题至今解决不了?Why the problem can not be solved?

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图特卡蒙法老神秘死因揭晓了?Mystery of King Tut's demise solved?

没有人曾解决过这个问题。Nobody has ever solved this problem.

好吧,我们来解决这个问题。Okey, let's get this problem solved.

,我们只是解出了一个临界点。We just solved for a critical point.

中国已经成功解决了吃饭问题。China has solved the problem of food.

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人们想要解决的是问题。Its problems that people want solved.

就弄个外带盒子就好了,问题解决啦。Just get a to-go box. Problem solved.

凸性可以通过正性来解决。Convexity can be solved by positivity.