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从弗洛依德德观点谈梦。Dreams from a Freudian standpoint.

从精神分析的观点来看,梦是这样的。Dream is, from a Freudian standpoint.

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这全都属于精神分析中的无意识范畴。This is all the Freudian unconscious.

所以弗洛伊德的论点就失效了。So I think the Freudian argument just fails.

这就是弗洛伊德理论的大体框架。This is the Freudian theory in broad outline.

弗洛伊德理论是赝科学吗?。Is the Freudian theory a pseudo- scientific doctrine?

这就是弗洛伊德式的口误。That is the Freudian slip that I've been talking about.

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其他人则想要抛弃精神分析理论,在这个方面的内容。Others would want to jettison that aspect of Freudian theory.

梦境的内容只在弗洛伊德学说中才有深刻意义。The content only has a strong meaning in the Freudian approach.

弗洛伊德式的精神分析的政治影响终结了。The political influence of the Freudian psychoanalysts was over.

但精神分析的支持者会说,即使你是如实作答。But a Freudian might say that even if this is your honest answer.

你不必是一个弗洛伊德的追随者,也能多少明白这一切的含义。You really don't need to be a Freudian to read something into this.

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后来的象征主义者们受到佛洛伊德心理学说的深刻影响。The later symbolists were deeply affected by the Freudian psychology.

当然我也不认为他会完全否定弗洛伊德评论派。Now I don't think he really means to be dismissive of Freudian criticism.

她把氢弹说成了最终的清洁剂,显然这是无意中说漏嘴的错误。She called the hydrogen bomb the ultimate detergent—an obvious Freudian slip.

是说溜了嘴?还是痴心妄想?他们可不止一次犯下这样的错误了。Freudian slip, or wishful thinking?It wasn't even the only one that they made.

僵尸形象中并没有隐含深层次的弗洛伊德理论,与男孩们相似,他们毫无精细可言,没有性暗示,也一点都不性感。There are no levels of Freudian undertone to zombies. Like boys, they're not subtle.

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英国的人类学家杰弗里·戈罗尔用弗罗伊德的说法来解释这一切。The English anthropologist, Geoffrey Gorer, sees the whole situation in Freudian terms.

弗洛依德学说认为梦境是,欲望和其他心理活动的伪装。There are Freudian theories that dreams are disguised with fulfillment and other things.

如果这是真的,那就成了一个经典的弗洛伊德式案例了。If that's the case, it's a classic Freudian case, the frustrations of an Oedipus complex.