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天使一直在守护着我。Angell watching over me.

安吉尔和他夫人一起去太原。Angell went to Taiyuan in company with his wife.

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大卫先生是一个天使与银行账户持有人。MR. DAVID ANGELL was an account holder with my bank.

你在这张相片里面很漂亮。You are so beautiful in the picture You are really an angell.

伊丽莎白•安吉尔目前是哥伦比亚大学人类学博士研究生。Elizabeth Angell is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University.

安格尔说,这样做,将减少全国盐的摄入量达百分之二十。Doing that would reduce the nation's salt intake by 20 percent, Angell said.

本软体由安琪艾可科技文化传媒有限公司自主设计,自主研发。This application is designed and developed by Angell Echo Technology Culture Media Co. , Ltd.

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吭吭巴巴吐出的这些个,是引发Angell教授纠结兴奋回忆的关键。This verbal jumble was the key to the recollection which excited anddisturbed Professor Angell.

第一份混合议案出现时,乔治·安杰尔作为改革运动中的首例,是第四个C。When the first omnibus bills began to appear, George T. Angell represented the prime example of crusading, the fourth "C."

本软体由安琪艾可科技文化传媒有限公司自主设计,自主研发,自制内容,自有版权。This software is designed and developed by the Angell Echo Technology Culture Media Co. Ltd which owned the copyright of it.

安杰尔认为企业赞助的法案会忽视消费者的利益,食品商人也将安杰尔视为令自己忧心忡忡的恶魔。Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devilish alarmist.

他们都有很强的责任感,还有Sall和Angell女士,这两位白人老师对我产生了极大影响。Accountability and responsibility and it is true all the way through Ms.Nona Sall and Cecelia Angell who are white teacher who meant the world to me.

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本软件所有音视频内容均由安琪艾可科技文化传媒版权所有,欢迎大家提供意见和建议。All materials' copyrights of the app are hereby expressly reserved to Angell Echo Technology Culture Media Co. , Ltd. Your valuable opinions and suggestions are appreciated.

深圳市安健科技有限公司是一家专业从事医学影像系统产品的研发、生产、销售的高科技企业。The Shenzhen Angell technology limited company is a specialized high-tech enterprise , which is engaged in the research and development , the manufacture and sales of the medicine imaging system.