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我仍然留着你爱的长发。I shill had the long hair that you like.

这也是“托”在英式拍卖中更加猖獗的原因之一。And this is one reason that shill bidding is more rampancy in English auction.

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并对产生“托”投标的原因和“托”投标的方式等进行了总结分析。Simultaneity it also concludes and analyses the reason and mode of shill bidding.

公司作为“灯光工程师”所推出的产品始终代表着第一流的德国工艺制造水平和工程技术。As the "Engineer of Light", our products are prominent in the field of workmanship and engineering shill in German.

所以在英式拍卖中的信用体制不能够对卖者进行“托”投标起到约束作用。In English auction, the credit mechanism of web doesn't work in restrict the sellers to participate in shill bidding.

即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵著手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。Even can't lead long to begin to go shopping perfectly deservedly with him, you shill can so to have no don't talk of friend.

结果表明,缓冲控制和定时控制策略能不同程度地改善工程车辆传动系统的换挡品质、综合法效果更好。Time results show a significant improvement in terms of shill quality by applying valve control, timing control and their combination control.

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这是一家贵重金属公司,雇佣贝克为其拉生意。Beck, it turns out, is a shill for Goldline International, a precious metals concern, that is paying Beck to help generate business into its coffers.

由于大多数网上意见薄几乎向所有人开放,用户条件性的认为每一个表扬公司的人肯定是受雇的托儿。With most online complaint boards open to almost anyone, users have grown conditioned to think that anyone singing a company's praises must be a paid shill.

论文首先对“托”投标的国内外研究现状进行了评述,同时归纳分析了网上欺诈问题以及欺诈问题的防治等网上拍卖的基本理论。Firstly, this thesis introduces research of shill bidding both at home and abroad and concludes the basal theory of online auction, online auction fraud and its prevention and cure.

在此基础上,讨论了卖者可能递交“托”出价的条件以及拍卖中只剩下一个竞买人时卖者的最优“托”出价。Based on the above analysis, the paper discusses the conditions where seller is likely to shill bid and the optimal shill bidding of sellers when only one bidder is left in the auction.

多边投资应该转化为比例投资,而字及具吸引力的外尚投资中,欺骗性投资占很大比例。Investment of every side should be converted to investment proportion and the proportion of foreign investment can shill ranks a considerable proportion in attracting foreign investment.

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过去美国媒体通过谩骂吸引观众,而现在美国媒体和“专家”则倾向于那些对他们的赞助商、政治立场或生意有利的新闻。The US media has in the past attracted an audience by slanging it. Other times the American media and "experts" slant information to shill on behalf of their sponsors for politics or one business.