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我猜您可能喜欢翡翠手镯。I guess you might enjoy jade bangle.

给卡丽买了一点小银手镯。Bought a little silver bangle for Carrie.

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镀白金色手镯镶有透明密镶水晶。Rhodium-plated bangle in clear crystal pavé.

这款闪烁的手镯突显您纤巧的手腕。This sparkling bangle lends your wrist a delicate touch.

您亦可搭配同款项链或手镯,展现时髦有型的风采。Add the matching necklace or bangle for a funky, on-trend look.

她手腕上戴着小饰物做的手镯,耳朵上垂着小小的金耳环。She wore a bangle of charms on her wrist and in her ears little gold rings.

被绞死的辩论者晃荡时,手镯上撕碎的小金属片发出刺耳的声音。When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

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更现代的钻石手镯,是在一个金属箍周围的手腕。The more modern diamond bangle bracelet is on a metal hoop that surrounds the wrist.

这款令人惊艳的手镯,集澎湃力量、摩登格调与几何风格于一身。Powerful, modern and geometric. This stunning bangle lends a hint of rock to any outfit.

带有甜蜜和浪漫气息的手镯,而为对应浪漫气息,特定制作出带有心形的装饰图案。Sweet and romantic, this rhodium-plated bangle is decorated in exquisitely crafted heart motifs.

变更处理的袋使用绿色手镯箍或鲜黄色正方形,无论你想!Change the handles on the bag using green bangle hoops or bright yellow squares, whatever you want!

简单地看,并按照这一伟大如何使一个手镯视频与一步一步指导!Simply watch and follow this great how to make a bangle bracelet video with step by step instructions!

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克里斯邦格给我们的第一印象的想法背后的过程中雕塑的实验研究。Chris Bangle gives us a first impression of the ideas behind the process of sculpturing an experimental study.

圣弗朗西斯的祈祷两侧刻这一独特扭曲手镯手鍊,纯银制作的光泽。Francis is inscribed along both sides of this unique twist bangle bracelet , crafted in shiny sterling silver.

神秘诱人的蛇缠绕在镀黑铬色的手镯上,并饰有富丽金色密镶水晶。An enchanting snake wraps itself around the ruthenium-plated bangle and glistens with Dorado crystals set in pavé.

当购买一周年手鍊或手镯,人们常常会问“什麽类型的石头”和“数字是多少,石头”?When purchasing an anniversary bracelet or bangle , people often asks "what type of stone" and "what number of stones"?

有些龙凤手镯是一龙、一凤分别刻在每只手镯上,有些则是每一只手镯上都有龙凤图案。Some of them have a dragon and phoenix on each bangle while others have a dragon on one bangle and phoenix on the other.

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这款手镯质感舒适、造工精巧又容易配搭,另更有同款穿孔耳环及项链供您选择。Comfortable, sophisticated and easy to wear, the bangle combines perfectly with the matching pierced earrings or necklace.

建立外国人或乐趣一样迷人的时尚饰品戒指面宝石和新手镯手镯在不同的形状和颜色。Create aliens or fun fashion jewelry like glamorous rings with faceted gems and new bangle bracelets in different shapes and colors.

这款镀白金色手镯以翠蓝色与白色环氧树脂,搭配展现渐变魅力的紫红色、薄荷色与白色密镶水晶制成。This rhodium-plated bangle is embellished in turquoise and white epoxy highlighted by a stunning gradation of fuchsia, mint and white crystals set in pavé.