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国际神经化学学会。International Society for Neurochemistry.

产生自由感和拥有感是神经化学艺术过程中的一部分。Freedom and ownership are part and parcel of the neurochemistry of the arts.

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行为学、形态学、神经生化和分子生物学为此提供了较充足的证据。Enough evidence has been provided in praxiology , morphology, neurochemistry and molecular biology.

美国神经化学协会推动和促进神经化学及相关科学的发展。The American Society for Neurochemistry advances and promotes the science of neurochemistry and related.

事实上,他们会爱上学习,只要我们能让脑化学过程在学习中起作用。In fact, they will love these academic experiences if we allow the normal neurochemistry of learning to take over.

他认为这可能是由于大脑变得更加高效造成的,神经化学变化提升了我们大脑的能力。He believes this could have resulted in the brain becoming more streamlined, our neurochemistry shifting to boost the capacity of our brains.

但不幸的是,所有的蜜月“催化物”都将在两年内逐渐淡化,这就是为什么从相互迷恋到保持长期的两情相悦是很难的。Sadly, any honeymoon neurochemistry will wear off within two years. This is why the move from infatuation to long-term contentment is problematic.

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这管道是使神经化学社群更便利于世界各地对于神经化学及相关神经科学的了解。This portal is provided to the neurochemistry community to facilitate the worldwide advancement of neurochemistry and related neuroscience discipline.

和决策、风险承受力有关的感知过程是大脑神经化学的一项功能、确切地说是神经传递素多巴胺的一项功能。The cognitive processes associated with decision-making and risk tolerance are a function of brain neurochemistry and of the neurotransmitter dopamine, in particular.

他们把瘾君子放到了和那些传统精神障碍患者同等的地位,让他们显得只是自身任性神经元的不幸受害者。By placing addiction on equal footing with more conventional medical disorders, they sought to create an image of the addict as a hapless victim of his own wayward neurochemistry.

制作实验性甲高和甲低动物模型及进行体外细胞培养实验,研究了甲状腺激素对脑化学及免疫功能的影响。Effects of thyroid hormone on brain neurochemistry and immune function were investigated using experimental hyperthyroid and hypothyroid animal models and cell culture technique in vitro.

就像‘顽固的’毒瘾,例如海洛因和可卡因,产生愉悦的现象,吸毒上瘾,耐药量增加和从烟草中获得的渴望都是来源于神经化学。Just as with the 'hard' drugs of abuse, such as heroin and cocaine, the phenomena of pleasure, addiction, increased tolerance and craving from tobacco are firmly rooted in neurochemistry.

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国际神经化学学会。本连接入口提供神经化学社团来促进世界范围内的神经化学和相关学科。International Society for Neurochemistry. This portal is provided to the neurochemistry community to facilitate the worldwide advancement of neurochemistry and related neuroscience discipline.