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而有些男人则很迟才出轨。Some men stray late.

男人也想要风花雪月。And men want to stray.

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不要离题乱扯。Don't stray from the point.

滂沱大雨迫使我们绕道而行。The heavy rain made us stray.

一本名叫飞鸟集的书。It was a book named Stray Birds.

如若你没有被诱惑。When nothing tempts you to stray.

可是别在林子里走得太远。But do not stray far into the wood.

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当需求未得到满足时男人可能会去偷腥Men May Stray When Needs Aren't Met

把这些走失的牛关进待领场,这样它们就不会乱跑了。Pound the cows so they don't stray.

别离题太远!Don't stray from the point too much.

早上一直跟著我的流浪犬。A stray dog followed me this morning.

小巷子里,垃圾和野狗随处可见。Garbage and stray dogs fill the alleyways.

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在约旦河岸,阿拉伯骆驼队踯躅。On Jordan's banks the Arab's camels stray.

这些流浪者的鞋子,已经漂泊了很久。These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray.

如何真正可以减少流浪猫的苦难?How can sufferings of stray cats be reduced?

流浪狗可能带有非洲斑疹伤寒疾病。Stray dogs may carry African Typhus disease.

人无志向,和迷途的盲人一样。A man without ambition, and a stray blindman.

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我总是在寻找迷途的羔羊。You know, I'm always looking for a stray lamb.

不要再跟我说什么流浪动物了,好吗?Don't tell me about any more stray animals, ok?

这个男孩,一个旁观者,被流弹击中This boy, a bystander, was hit by a stray bullet