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很多的斜体字,那对你意味着什么?A lot of italics. What does that connote to you?

作为一位政治领袖,他已是智穷才尽了。For a political leader , hesitation is apt to connote weakness.

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所以很大程度上函数的名字指明了,或暗示了它们的功能。So it's very much the name of functions that denote or connote their behavior.

相对于中文“随着”的六个义项,日语则要以不同的表达方式来表现这六个义项。In Japanese, it uses different ways of expression to connote its Chinese meanings.

绿色的内涵可以较少的材料和可再生和可降解材料的使用。Green could connote the use of less material and recyclable and degradable materials.

最近以来,这一术语所暗含的意思,不仅指那些享有共同法国文化传承的人。More recently, it has come to connote not just those who share a common French cultural inheritance.

去批判作为一种社会现象的宗教并不意味着对它背后那些话题的否弃。The critique of religion as a social phenomenon did not connote a dismissal of the issues behind it.

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在传统的中国电影中画面的设计通常是为了蕴含其他更大的意义。In traditional Chinese films, the image is generally designed to connote something else, some larger meaning.

在东欧国家,“黄页”电话号码薄被称为“金页”,这传达给了顾客高质量的品牌形象。In eastern Europe the Yellow Pages telephone directory is called the Golden Pages to connote an image of quality.

本文将分析研究并探讨蕴含鸟文化的诗歌的翻译策略。This paper is to probe into the translation principle and strategies of the ancient poems which connote the bird culture.

英语里有些否定句表达的却是肯定之意,从而造成了汉译中的“是非”误区。Some English sentences are superficially negative, but they actually connote affirmative, which often confuses translators.

这种多元反馈评价有时也称为“360度反馈评价”,意指全方位的评价。This multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called"360-degree assessment" to connote that full circle.

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因此,共治能够包括尊重彼此对于共同目标的承诺和致力于共同目标的能力。Thus, the word collegiality can connote respect for another's commitment to the common purpose and ability to work toward it.

最后一类传统催情食品,是那些价格不菲,而且稀罕的东西。Last among the classic aphrodisiacs are those foods that, owing to cost and rarity, connote wealth, luxury and sexual languor.

如果那些含义不错,特别是如果它们意味着信任和威信,那么这个品牌代表了一些有价值的东西。If those meanings are good, and in particular if they connote trust and prestige, then the brand stands for something valuable.

偏偏华文名老爱附带一长串的期待和意义,甚至承载了父母看待生命的某种隐喻和记忆。But Chinese names invariably connote a long list of ideas and expectations, some even carry the parents' memory of, and metaphor for, life.

在“女权主义”似乎不能成为激进主义的主流的同时许多女性均坚信两性之间的平等性。But while “feminism” seems to connote a radicalism out of the mainstream, most women have very definite beliefs about the equality of the sexes.

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从高庸涵有关灵气的描述中,狂尊可以很清晰地获知灵气的重要性。From Gao Yong connote the detailing that close the spiritual influence, crazy the magnitude that can have studied that spiritual influence very clearly.

这些讯息与意义使学校事务可以正常运作,印证了「符号隐含了较其自身更深远的意义,表达了较其原本内容更丰富的意涵」。These messages and meanings make school business can work regularly. These also can prove symbols connote further meanings and express more abundant implication.

本文拟从凯末尔欧洲主义观形成的历史背景、凯末尔欧洲主义观的内涵及其实践以及凯末尔欧洲主义观与土耳其的欧盟之旅三个方面进行探究。This essay introduce the background of kemal's europeanization , the substance , connote and practice of kemal's europeanization, and the road of turkey entry EU.