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把灯从天花板挂下。Suspend a lamp from the ceiling.

我们可以把一根绳子吊在那棵树上。We could suspend a rope from tht tree.

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这个信号将使微处理机浮动。The signal will suspend the microprocessor.

把故事讲下去,别让我们等得着急。Finish the story. Don't suspend us in midair.

涉案歌舞厅已被责令停业。The pub has been ordered to suspend business.

睡床上方不要悬吊灯具或吊扇。Do not suspend the lamp above the bed or ceiling fan.

用小腿上打的短“靴状”石膏来悬吊小腿。A short leg "boot" cast is used to suspend the lower leg.

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在夏天莓鲈翻车鱼在追逐美洲河鲱的深水将暂停。In summer crappie will suspend in deeper water chasing shad.

版主应该能够禁止用户,或暂停帐户。Moderators should be able to ban users, or suspend accounts.

没有支撑,为什么小球会自己悬浮在空中?Why the ball can suspend itself in the air without any support?

设计和制造出了气体悬浮造粒机。Design and manufacture the gas suspend equipment of granulation.

这些小动物可以用尾巴将自己倒挂在树枝上。These small animals can suspend from the branches by their tails.

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通知调用者停止接受所有触摸事件。Tells the receiver to suspend the handling of touch-related events.

一轮新月,皎洁地,挂在秋天没有风的树梢。The fair crescent, white and bright, in calm fall at treetop suspend.

林肯总统所采取的另一行动是暂缓执行人身保护权令。Another action that he took was to suspend the right of habeas corpus.

“你要休学?为什么?”她突然紧张起来。"You're going to suspend schooling? Why?" She became anxious suddenly.

我们同时还会允许它在跳跃的时候暂时移除定身效果。This will also allow us to let is suspend snare effects during the leap.

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如果他们不离职,法律要求总统中止他们的职务。President Mwai Kibaki would otherwise be required by law to suspend them.

新政策措施自今年1月1日起实施,执行期暂定至2012年12月31日。The policy carried out from Jan 1, 2010 and will suspend in Dec 31, 2012.

你可以把它挂在墙上,吊在天花板或立在地板上。Hang it on the wall, suspend it from the ceiling or stand it on the floor.