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他们只是不会使其让自己处于被动。They just don't let it paralyze them.

你消沉的自信心将击垮你,限制你。Your low self-confidence will limit and paralyze you.

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因此朋友,你消沉的自信心将阻止你,击垮你。” So friend, your low self-confidence will limit and paralyze you.

我心里抖一抖,面部肌肉顿时处于瘫痪状态。My in the mind shudders, the face brawn is placed in to paralyze status.

预计这起诉讼将持续数月的时间,这可能导致政府瘫痪。The case is expected to last months, threatening to paralyze the government.

所有的意见和分析都会使那些没有参与这项任务的人感到不知所措。All the opinions and analysis will paralyze anyone who is not up to the task.

及时练习并假装没有担心,忧虑就不会麻痹你。Practice and pretend not to worry and, in time, anxieties won’t paralyze you.

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苏联相信它能使西欧丧失斗志,麻痹我们。The soviet Union believes that it can demoralize Western Europe and paralyze us.

用来证明周围那些不合理的恐惧和引起大家关注。Used to elicit unreasonablefear in those around and paralyze everyone concerned.

它们突然袭击猎物,用毒液使它们麻痹,然后用嘴撕掉皮。They pounce on their prey, paralyze them with venom and use their beaks to tear off pieces.

这些消极的感受麻痹人们,使他们停滞不前,或是难以深入思考解决问题。These negative feelings paralyze a person to move forward and take a step in resolving the problem.

蜘蛛毒素是蜘蛛用来进行防御和捕食猎物的最基本武器。Evolution has equipped spider with a complex arsenal of neurotoxins to paralyze and kill their prey.

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那股准许甚至鼓励抗争以瘫痪改革的潜在力量,仍在这些国家发酵。The underlying forces that allow, even encourage, protest to paralyze reform in these nations remain.

他们誓言,如果政府要通过这样的法规的话,他们就会通过罢工让整个国家陷入瘫痪。They have vowed to paralyze the country with strikes if the government attempts to pass such measures.

首先要吸引敌人注意力或是要用时空裂缝能力来瘫痪单位,然后让你的间谍去贿赂它们。Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm ability to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing.

司机们扬言瘫痪国家码头,挑战不受欢迎的李明博总统政府。The drivers threatened to paralyze the country wharfs to fight against President Li which is not welcomed.

现在电源管理要全面管理你的费电设备,延长电池续航时间。Now it is time for runtime power management to paralyze devices that shorten your battery life time on the road.

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BIID患者唯一的特征一种强迫性的冲动使他们截肢或者麻痹他们的躯体。The only ‘abnormal’ characteristic of BIID sufferers is the compelling urge to amputate or paralyze their limbs.

当捕杀昆虫时,将口器刺入对方体内,口器中的一支管道注入使对方瘫痪的麻醉液,另一管道便吸吮对方的体液。The former is used to stun or paralyze the prey while the latter is used to suck the body fluids from its victim.

高位颈髓损伤可发生四肢瘫,其并发症可出现于损伤早期、恢复期和晚期。High level SCI may cause paralyze of four limbs and its complications may occur in both early , rehabilitate and late stage.