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在没有星的时候,我们有火。At have no astral of time, we have fire.

尼尼伯,群星诸神之守门人,汝之门为吾而开!NINIB, Gatekeeper of the Astral Gods, Open Thy Gate to me!

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星界巨舰兽不会说话或者与人沟通。An astral dreadnought does not speak or otherwise communicate.

一旦星体躯体脱体,它就具有创造梦境的自由。Once the astral body has separated, it is free to create dreams.

目的介绍一种新型手术无影灯。Objective This paper is to introduce a new operating astral lamp.

现在你可以要求你的星光体能够与你的朋友交谈?Now you may ask if your astral body can converse with your friends?

北欧时尚之都,时尚珠宝之星手链。Of boreal Europe vogue, the astral hand catenary of fashionable gem.

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甚至当我在物质的我的身后时,我仍然可以看见星体的我。I could still see the astral ME, even when I was behind the physical me.

阅读后该书将消失于星界位面的不知名处。Once read, the book vanishes into the Astral Plane to an unknown destination.

它简单的将猎物消化后,便继续在星界位面继续它那无声的巡游。It simply consumes its prey, then continues its silent patrol 0of the Astral Plane.

灵链甲是用众星之海里诸神国度的技术制成。Spiritmail armor is made with techniques from the divine dominions of the Astral Sea.

虚空潜伏着是一个便宜,无形,永生且有着强大奥术魔法的彩虹法师。The Void Lurker is a cheap, ethereal, immobile rainbow mage with strong astral magic.

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星界巨舰兽猎杀着星界的生物,撕裂他们的身体,然后将他们大口吞下。The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies, tearing them apart, then swallowing them whole.

佛教徒驾车走在星体上,驶向天堂的方向。The Buddhist is driving on an astral body and he is heading in the direction of the heavens.

星体的我围绕房间移动,观察着坐在椅子中的我的身体,而它也在观察我。The astral ME moved around the room, observing my body in the chair while it was watching me.

双方将出现新的化身,做召唤的出价只有当星芒流效果。Both new avatars will appear and do the summoner's bidding only when Astral Flow is in effect.

星织甲所模仿的原型源自众星之海的诸神国度。Starweave armor is fashioned after patterns created in the divine dominions of the Astral Sea.

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它借助星界的薄雾静静的滑行,渴望着飘浮于此的灵魂。It glides silently through the mists of the Astral Plane, craving the souls of all who wander there.

这一定是我父亲说过的观星门。检查壁画!我们已经有进展了!This must be the astral portal my father spoke about. Check out the frescos ! We're really warm now!

一旦在星际领域,他们会被给予许多关心和照顾,以确保迅速地回到常态。Once in the Astral regions much attention and caring is given, to ensure a prompt return to normality.