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1952年,预备工程开始了。In 1952 the preparatory period began.

预备铃响后,坐在位置上作好课前准备,静候老师上课。The preparatory bell for class has already sounded.

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假设准备工作完成不了,那可怎么办?Suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.

纪明波副理事长主持筹备会议。Vice Chairman Ji Mingbo chaired preparatory meetings.

准备的箭牌、骆驼标记的香烟。Preparatory Doi Moi Wrigley, Camel, Brand of Cigarettes.

举行金砖国家卫生部长会议及其筹备会。Meeting of BRICS Health Ministers and preparatory meetings.

它们发声时,总有一种预备性的、长长的轰鸣声。There was a preparatory and long growl in the speech of them.

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在纺纱预备阶段和纺纱设备使用大的牵伸。Use of excessive draft in spinning preparatory and ring frames.

奥运会的筹备工作为北京人带来了切实的好处。The preparatory work has brought tangible benefits to Beijingers.

这是一个经典的双反准备姿势。This is a classic preparatory position for a two-handed backhand.

你没有采取预防措施消除事故隐患。You didn't take preparatory measures to eliminate potential danger.

它在一定程度上保证领导工作的准备性。It guarantees a certain extent, the leadership of the preparatory work.

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好比打太极拳中的“太极起势”,是一个预备阶段。Taijiquan is like playing the "Tai Chi from power" is a preparatory stage.

选手们伸屈四肢,放松肌肉以此作为比赛前的准备活动。The runners flexed their muscles as the preparatory activities for the race.

建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助。Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I.

然而由于种种原因,前置程序往往徒具形式。However, because of various reasons, the preparatory process is often a formality.

它甚至将在周末提供大学预备课程和领导能力课程。It will offer college preparatory classes and leadership courses even on weekends.

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高中是四年,一些高中还有一年的英语预备班。The high school is 4 years, some high schools have one year of English preparatory.

吴并通报了缅甸大选的筹备情况。U Nyan Win also briefed Yang on the preparatory work for Myanmar's general elections.

在美国,它指的是幼儿园到12年级、提供大学预备课程的学校。In the United States, it refers to K-12 schools with a college preparatory curriculum.