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我们都喜欢室外运动。We all like outdoor sports.

都是室外运动吗?Are they all outdoor sports?

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他们经常做室外运动。They often have outdoor sports.

他适应了户外工作。He was seasoned to outdoor work.

这个小组叫做伯克利户外远足俱乐部。It's Cal Hiking Outdoor Society.

室外运动对你健康有益。Outdoor sports will do you good.

我想我喜欢户外活动。I like outdoor activities, I guess.

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产品适用于户内和户外短期。Indoor use and shortterm outdoor use.

正在寻找室外景观设计吗?Looking for outdoor landscape design?

我?我想我喜欢户外活动。Me? I like outdoor activities, I gue.

通常的室内田径场是一个400米长的椭圆。A typical outdoor track is a400 m oval.

足球和板球都是室外运动。Football and cricket are outdoor games.

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让你的车为夏季的出行做好准备。Get your outdoor gear ready for summer.

它既是室内运动也是户外运动。It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.

减少户外活动时间。Reduce the time for outdoor activities.

碗状体育场或室外剧院。A bowl-shaped stadium or outdoor theater.

花粉症是由户外过敏原。Hay fever is caused by outdoor allergens.

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室外LED动产的迹象。与16毫米间距。Outdoor LED Movable Sign. with 16mm Pitch.

室外的氡水平通常很低。Outdoor radon levels are usually very low.

酒店为客人提供一个游泳池和杂货商店。It offers an outdoor pool and free parking.