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为节俭立法。Legislated Frugality.

节剑是美德之母。Frugality is the mother of virture.

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所以,提倡节俭使我感觉到安逸。So, I feel comfortable advocating frugality.

后面我会谈到节俭和廉价也不一样。I will also cover why Frugality is not being Cheap.

勤劳是幸运的右首,俭仆是幸运的左手。Industry is fortune's right, and frugality her left.

我认为大伙都过节俭的生活才对经济有利。I think mass frugality would be good for the economy.

极简和节俭还是有差别的。There’s a difference between minimalism and frugality.

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勤勉是幸运的右首,节约是幸运的左首。Industry is fortune's right hand and frugality her left.

勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。Industry is fortune’s right hand,and frugality her left.

勤勉是幸福的右手,节俭是幸福的左手。——格言。Industy is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left.

新人们在整场婚礼的开销上也开始节俭起来了。This frugality is starting to show up in overall wedding costs.

我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.

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节用是墨子的一个基本的治国思想。The idea of frugality is a major part of Mo Di's political theories.

勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.

我们所有人都以某一个角度并且以不同的方法定义节俭。We all start somewhere, and everyone doesn't define frugality the same way.

节俭本身就是一宗财产。但不要对你的健康和事业吝啬。-----金口。Frugality is an estate alone. But don't be mean to your health, your business.

但对经济学家来说,节俭与民族性无关,而是一种理性的表现。For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality.

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就是这么多了,一些方法让我们把节俭带入了我们的生活。So there you have it, a few ways in which we have brought frugality into our lives.

当然政府自身不打算做艰苦朴素的榜样。Certainly, the government itself is not about to start making a fetish of frugality.

节俭通常都围绕着小的方面.那么如果从大的方面来看呢?Frugality topics are often about small ways to save. But what about the bigger ways?