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在加热的条件下,猪肉蛋白质发生热变性和热降解。Proteolysis and denaturation of porcine proteins on heating were investigated.

这些结果与不活动时膈肌蛋白酶解增加一致。These findings are consistent with increased diaphragmatic proteolysis during inactivity.

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本文主要研究了豆奶干酪成熟过程中蛋白水解的变化,并与纯牛乳干酪进行比较。The research studied proteolysis of soy cheese during ripening by comparing with pure milk cheese.

本文对家兔心肌自溶时的蛋白质水解和氨基酸代谢进行了研究。Proteolysis and amino acid metabolism in autolyzing rabbit left ventricular myocardium were studied.

对混合型大豆干酪成熟过程中蛋白质的降解及感官特性变化进行了研究。In this paper, the proteolysis and sensory properties of mixed milk cheese during ripening period were studied.

南京板鸭加工过程中的肌肉蛋白降解对其特殊风味的形成具有重要意义。The processing proteolysis of Nanjing dry-salted duck plays an important role in the forming of its special flavor.

为便于从融合蛋白中解离出目的多肽,这个载体中含有特异的蛋白酶裂解位点。This vector also contains thrombin protease cleavage site to facilitate proteolysis of the bacterial fusion proteins.

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蛋白水解及厌氧裂解会产生具有恶臭气味的胺类化合物的反应叫做腐败。This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction.

泛素系统是近年来新发现的蛋白降解途径,目前研究认为该系统在骨骼肌蛋白高分解代谢中有重要作用。Ubiquitin system, a new protein degradation pathway, is regarded as the important one for proteolysis of skeletal muscle.

在应激病人中,糖皮质激素和各种前炎症因子是肌肉蛋白质水解的重要调节因素。Glucocorticoids and various proinflammatory cytokines are important regulators of muscle proteolysis in stressed patients.

这两种新组分都含有双硫键,其中34~37KD新组分可能是球蛋白的直接降解产物。The two new fractions contained double sulfur bands, of which 34-37KD was considered to be a product of proteolysis of cucurbitin.

蛋白质类药物在体内的半衰期短,主要原因是体内蛋白酶降解。For many pharmaceutical proteins, which half life is often relatively short, the most common form of in vivo inactivation is enzymatic proteolysis.

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使用蛋白质酶解法可将葡萄酒中蛋白质水解成小肽,这样既可使得葡萄酒具有很好的稳定性,又可以提高葡萄酒的营养价值。Using proteolysis can hydrolyzes protein in to small peptides, which can make the wine stable and at the same time can improve the nutritive value.

和其他几丁质酶相比,该酶具有高度的热稳定性和蛋白水解酶抗性,因此可用于生物控制领域。The extraordinary thermo-stability and high resistance to proteolysis provide the enzyme with a good prospect to be used as a new tool for biocontrol.

从毛豆腐中分离出一株毛霉,并应用于表面成熟干酪,以研究干酪成熟过程中所发生的蛋白质水解作用。A strain of Mucor was isolated from mao-tofu originated from in China and smeared on the surface of fresh cheese. The proteolysis occurring during cheese ripening was studied.

此前,新的证据表明,其致癌性主要是由于细胞核运输和蛋白水解的改变引起了Z的细胞核贮留。Rather, emerging evidence suggests that nuclear retention of cyclin D1 resulting from altered nuclear trafficking and proteolysis is critical for the manifestation of its oncogenicity.

干酪促熟是指采用各种物理和化学方法,加快蛋白质和脂肪的分解,从而缩短成熟时间的工艺。Accelerated ripening of cheese is a technics by introduced some physical and chemic methods to accelerating the proteolysis and lipolysis to shortening ripening period of cheese ripening.

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当然这是保持了葡萄酒的稳定性,但另一方面将葡萄酒中稳定性蛋白质也除掉了,这就降低了葡萄酒的营养价值。So this way lowers the quality of wine. Using proteolysis can hydrolyzes protein in to small peptides, which can make the wine stable and at the same time can improve the nutritive value.

如beta-乳球蛋白是牛乳中的一种抗原蛋白,不易被胃蛋白酶分解,即使在胃内环境中胆汁酸也可以增强胰蛋白酶对它的分解作用。For beta-lactoglobulin, a cow's milk allergen that is resistant to pepsin cleavage, bile acids enhanced its proteolysis by pancreatic proteases even after incubation under gastric conditions.