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该公司在李昂也有一家面粉厂。The firm also had a flouring mill in Lyons.

丹尼称这种现象为“新的明星宝宝热”。Darryn Lyons calls it "the new celebrity baby boom".

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你已知道莱昂丝太太和斯台普顿是关系密切的朋友了吧?Did you know that Mrs Lyons and Stapleton are very close friends?

劳拉曾和一位名叫莱昂丝的、到沼地写生的画家结了婚。Laura married a painter called Lyons who came to paint pictures of the moor.

法国东南部一城市,为里昂的工业郊区。人口为5,9'0。A city of southeast France, an industrial suburb of Lyons. Population, 5,9'0.

里昂主席奥拉斯认为签下德罗巴是“梦幻的”。Jean-Michel Aulas, the Lyons president, has described it as a "dream" to sign him.

当有了这一发现之后,里昂和金决定转向研究行星际磁场以外的一些决定因素。Lyons and Kim were planning to study something unrelated when they made the discovery.

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“这一切不应该发生的,”里昂说,“我们想知道为什么会出现这种情况。”"It's not supposed to happen that way," Lyons said. "We want to understand why that is."

格勒诺布尔会热情地为他大开城门的,全里昂的人也都会赶快出来欢迎的。Grenoble will open her gates to him with enthusiasm--all Lyons will hasten to welcome him.

着正合我们所预料的一样,”里昂说道,“我们仔细研究了一些数据,然后叫道,‘等等!That is what we expect," Lyons said. "We looked carefully at the data, and said, 'Wait a minute!

莱昂斯说,该公司和两个家庭“希望保持和解金额保密。”Lyons said the company and two families "wish to keep the amount of the settlement confidential."

里昂说谁解决了最难的问题,谁将具有最大的影响力,这点我表示认同。And I do agree with Lyons that those which solve the hardest problems will have the biggest impact.

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红衣主教费什既不肯辞职,只得由亚马齐总主教德班先生管辖里昂教区。AS Cardinal Fesch refused to resign, M. de Pins, Archbishop of AmASie, administered the diocese of Lyons.

因此里昂对羽毛帽的销量大增感到非常吃惊,尤其是现在夏季的结婚季快到了。So Lyons was surprised with the jump in fascinator orders just as the summer wedding season gets underway.

里昂接过话去,许是想起了他拐骗她的情景,两人都没再说话。The Lyons once joined words to go, was to meditation of he abducts her scene, 2 people all have no again speak.

你在这能学到很多关于法国的东西,但是我们不会考你类似于,"哪两条河在里昂交汇"之类的问题You'll learn a lot about France in here, but we don't ask you questions like that, "What two rivers meet in Lyons?"

这对于粒子,磁场和电场的强度来说都是极为巨大的波动了,”里昂说。These are huge variations in particle intensities, magnetic field strength and electric field strength," Lyons said.

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当时车队正在用餐,警方带走了车队的经理、副经理、队医和一名技工进行审问。The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police.

里昂握着薇薇安的手,将怒火和嫉妒都深埋在心,对她柔声说道。The Lyons holds the Wei Wei Anne's hand, fury and envy all profoundly cover up in the heart, to she the soft voice say.

演员杰里米·莱昂斯,作为联合国粮农组织新一任的亲善大使在此次罗马会议上致辞。Actor Jeremy Lyons – the new goodwill ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization – addressed the Rome meeting.