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但该公司并没有承诺支撑所有稀土元素的价格。Yet it didn’t pledge to underpin all rare earth prices.

中国需要地区稳定来巩固其持续的经济增长。China needs regional stability to underpin its continued economic growth.

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原子理论和量子物理是如何支撑现代技术的。How atomic theories and concepts of quantum physics underpin modern technology.

为了巩固这一点,成分,将在可能的情况下在包中可见。To underpin this, the ingredients will be visible in the packages where possible.

其一是,美元不断贬值将推动以美元计价的大宗商品不断涨价。One, that a weakening dollar will underpin an upward move in dollar-priced commodities.

但是更大利润更高的汽车的销售的缓慢回涨将支撑营业额。But slowly returning sales of larger, more profitable vehicles should underpin revenues.

这个方略描述了支撑圣马克小学教和学的技能和态度。This policy describes the skills and attitudes that underpin teaching and learning at St.

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当然,其目的是为寻找支持你建议的论据做深度分析。The goal, of course, is to conduct the in-depth analysis needed to underpin your proposal.

分析人士相信,这座新数据中心将用于支持新型流媒体音乐及视频服务。Analysts believe the new data center could be used to underpin new music and video streaming services.

这些主题是以北京坚持“不干涉”其他国家内政的原则为基础的。These themes underpin Beijing's adherence to a policy of “non-interference” in other nations' affairs.

其中,三个关键措施将会支撑中国经济向自身可持续发展的道路发展。Three key initiatives will underpin China’s transition towards a more self-sustainable economy, Roach says.

道金斯是一位著名的生物学家,以带给广大观众复杂的、支持进化论的科学概念而闻名。Dawkins is well known for bringing to a wide audience the complex scientific concepts that underpin evolution.

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这种接触将有助于支持我们建立一个基于权利和义务的国际秩序。This engagement will underpin our commitment to an international order based upon rights and responsibilities.

福特公司称新一代制造平台将支持多达10种车型的生产,到2012年年产量将达两百万辆。Ford says the new platform will underpin up to 10 models around the world, accounting for 2m annual units by 2012.

技术分析师强调有一系列可能扶助支撑英镑/美元的支撑位.Technical analysts highlighted a cluster of support levels that should help to underpin the pound against the greenback.

随着油脂化工生产的扩张,价格和基本原材料的获得是其成功的关键。As oleochemical production expands, the price and availability of essential raw materials will underpin its future success.

除了发展上述基建工程外,当局还经常检讨香港的旅游产品,以配合最新的旅游趋势。To underpin these infrastructure projects, the Hong Kong product is constantly reviewed to capitalise on the latest trends.

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汉莫森集团讲述了伦敦房租稳定的征兆,也说巴黎楼层的低空置率有助于刺激租赁市场。Hammerson reported signs of stabilising rents in London and said lower vacancy levels in Paris had helped underpin tenant demand.

他们呼吁减少证人,询问少的问题,起到支撑的联邦调查局窃听的大部分收费较短的摘录。They called fewer witnesses, asked fewer questions and played shorter excerpts of FBI wiretaps that underpin most of the charges.

这包括国内常用来定案的被告人证词和证人口供。This includes confessions of defendants and testimonies of prosecution witnesses, which underpin most criminal convictions in China.