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霍奇森希望这笔签约能安抚托雷斯Hodgson hopes capture will also appease Torres

或者说此举只是为了平息对它的批评?Or is it simply a move to appease its critics?

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调解纠纷,缓和矛盾。Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict.

万大齐吴敏安抚豆子,突然炸弹爆炸。Wan DaJi wu min appease beans, suddenly a bomb.

这个小孩哭哭滴滴的,他拿出糖果尽力安慰他不要哭。He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.

我想如果我今年夏天就开始考虑,父母一定会倍感宽慰。I think it would appease my parents if I do so this summer.

这样又能够平息购房者们的怨气,又能够保留住建筑业的工作岗位。That would appease homebuyers and keep concrete-pourers in jobs.

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一些男同性恋者和女同性恋者结婚来安抚双方家长。Some gays and lesbians marry each other to appease their parents.

王的震怒,如杀人的使者。但智慧人能止息王怒。A king's wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man will appease it.

迄今为止,中国红十字会所采取的措施并未能安抚众怒。So far, the RCSC measures have failed to appease the outraged netizens.

芜菁可不能满足萨拉多桑恩。我需要金子或银子。Turnips are not like to appease Salladhor Saan. I require gold or silver.

王的震怒如杀人的使者,但智慧人能止息王怒。A king's wrath is a messenger of death, and whoever is wise will appease it.

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华为此举本欲安抚美国政府,但却被认为是在耍花招。Instead, the attempt to appease government concerns was perceived as a ploy.

埃及官方媒体说,除了姑息以色列外,布什没有其他目的。State-run media in Egypt said Mr. Bush aims to do nothing but appease Israel.

多数技术指标不起作用。它们对多数散户交易者是一个大陷阱…Technical indicators don't work. They're a big fib to appease retail traders.

为了安抚家珍,兰欣决定带着儿子宝根出去住一阵子。In order to appease Jean, Lanxin decided to take his son porgan out for a while.

他们将往一条河里抖落所有的东西,以抚慰在附近颤抖的莫拉皮山。They will toss everything into a river to appease Mount Merapi, rumbling nearby.

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他说,稍后会举行特别的仪式以“安抚山灵”。He said a special ritual would be conducted later to "appease the mountain spirit."

人类用祈祷,符咒,咒语向上帝表达悔意或者是驱赶魔鬼。Prayers , charms, incantations were used to appease the gods or to ward off demons.

另一方面,任何迎合共和党的修订都会损耗民主党的支持,反之亦然。Any amendments to appease Republicans could cost Democratic support, and vice-versa.