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分子与生化寄生虫学。Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology.

老鼠和人类有类似的生化途径。Rats and humans have similar biochemical pathways.

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杨明去寻找丢失的生化材料,他险遭不测。Yang Ming to find biochemical materials lost, he was.

生物化学现象,代谢,营养。G6. Biochemical Phenomena , Metabolism , and Nutrition.

研究促胃液素的生物化学时代开始了。The biochemical era in the study of gastrin was initiated.

指明了生物制浆是未来的研究与发展方向。How to study biochemical pulping in the future are discussed.

采用全自动生化检测仪测尿钙的含量。Detector measured by automatic biochemical content of calcium.

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所有生物化学循环,都处于相互的平衡之中。All these biochemical cycles are in equilibrium with each other.

酶是高效而专一的生物化学催化剂。Enzymes are highly efficient and specific biochemical catalysts.

我们的生化研究显示,CPAP在体内也形成自身的二聚。Our biochemical studies show that CPAP forms homo-dimers in vivo.

获得了欧洲鳗鲡血液生理生化指标参考值。Haematological and biochemical values of European eel was provided.

观察症状、体征及治疗前后监测肝功指标。The variation of symptoms and hepatic biochemical index was observed.

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对上述差异的生理生化及育种学意义进行了讨论。Biochemical and physiological means of these differences are discussed.

如何选取稀释系数是测定生化需氧量的关键。How to select dilution coefficient is key of biochemical oxygen demand.

以我们的观点,这是生物学与生物化学的相互依赖。This is biological and biochemical codependence from our point of view.

海洋生物技术,养殖工程,生化工程。Marine Biotechnology, Aquacultural Engineering, Biochemical Engineering.

研究了突变体的生化鉴定方法,加快了筛选速度和育种进程。The biochemical indentifying methods for mutants have been studied already.

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低血磷是复食症候群的生化检验特徵。The hallmark biochemical feature of refeeding syndrome is hypophosphatemia.

蚁穴系统是由洞穴通道和生化土体构成的复杂间断系统。The complicated ant-nest system is made up of nest-way and biochemical soil.

ISFET是基于MOS结构,用于生化参数测量的传感器。ISFET is based on MOSFET structure and used to measure biochemical parameter.