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什么是抄本?What is a codex?

玛雅古籍是玛雅人的文字记录。A codex is a Mayan written record.

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中间是d,Codex,with,a,“d,“,okay?,这就是抄本。Codex All that means is this is a codex.

在德累斯顿抄本玛雅象形文字。Mayan hieroglyphics in the Dresden Codex.

新的法典措施将有助于减少风险。The new Codex measures will help to minimize the risks.

游戏内的数据核心将会是一组百科条目。In-game datacrons will be a sub-set of the codex entries.

其中许多是直接引自国际食品法典委员会。Many are taken directly from the Codex Alimentarius texts.

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西奈抄本是世界上现存最古老的圣经。The Codex Sinaiticus is the world's oldest surviving bible.

至于这条法律对古籍抄本有多大效力就不清楚了。It is not clear precisely how this law applies to the codex.

在你的维持阶段中,你可以放置一个书页指示物在巴林的手抄本上。During your upkeep, you may put a page counter on Barrin's Codex.

法典信托基金资助了24个国家参加会议。The attendance of 24 countries was supported by the Codex trust fund.

圣经做成抄本会很厚,也许有这么厚,这么大。A Codex of the bible would be pretty big, maybe that thick and that wide.

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反过来,基督教也推动了手抄本在罗马帝国内的传播。Christianity, in turn, helped spread the codex throughout the Roman Empire.

考虑一下开始你的第一个插件安装,抄本和论坛搜索器插件。Consider making your first plugin installation the Codex and Forum Searcher Plugin.

目前正在考虑制订食品中二恶英含量规定指导原则。The establishment of Codex guideline levels for dioxins in foods is under consideration.

主后第六世纪的卡蒙塔抄本,包括马太,约翰,马可和路加福音。Codex Claromontanus from the sixth century,so in the 500s, includes Matthew,John,Mark,and Luke.

他走了进去,扫视着昏暗的书架,发现了那书典躺在了预定的位置。He entered, navigated the dimly lit shelving, and found the codex lying in its designated spot.

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我们不和,这是因为汉谟拉比的法典,既是陌生的公民和不适用。We do not and this is because Hammurabi's codex is both unknown to the citizenry and inapplicable.

食品法典委员会第28届会议从7月4日到9日在罗马粮农组织总部举行。The 28th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission runs from 4–9 July at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

世贸组织的有关协议确定国际食品法典标准是发生食品贸易争端仲裁的依据。Relevant agreements of WTO provide that the codex is the foundation for arbitrating food trade disputes.