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对这一篇的回复又是一个里程碑。It is a milepost to this one reply.

手与脚的分工,是人类进化的一个里程碑。The division of labor of hand and foot, it is a milepost of human evolution.

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那昔日当作目标的山腰洼地,而今已树立起里程碑。The former as a target of mountainside depressions, now has established a milepost.

我国加入世贸组织堪称改革开放事业的又一里程碑。Our country joins WTO can to call reforming and opening the another milepost of the career.

这对党的发展和社会主义现代化建设具有重大的意义,是一个新的里程碑。This has great sense to the development of the party and socialistic modernization, it is a new milepost.

他声称联想最新推出的笔记本在整个业界都具有里程碑式的意义。He claims to associate newest the sense that the jotter that roll out has milepost type in whole industry.

中国向南非的劳务输出是中国近代华工出国史上一个新的里程碑。China's emigrating laborers to the south africa was a new milepost in chinese modern history of laborers going abroad.

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市面唯一一款散牌、乱牌、中空牌分析能力,业内称为单人操作的一个里程碑。The market only a card, chaos to licensing, hollow card analysis ability, known as the single operation of a milepost.

这个里程碑同样也剖明咱们端到端SAS解决方案和确保互操作性的主要性。This milepost also shows we carry upright SAS solution and the value that ensure each other operates a gender likewise.

种种迹象表明,电子商务或将因祸得福,成为走向全民普及的里程碑。A variety of evidence make clear, electronic business affairs or a fault on the right side, become milepost of all-pervading of trend the whole people.

记住,在一次徒步旅行中,假使我们不去想最终目的地还有多远,而只想著下一个里程碑还有多远,就总会觉得路程似乎短些。Remember how a walking trip always seems shorter if we concentrate , not on the total distance to our destination , but just the distance to the next milepost.

傲洛斯的推出,使国内整形美容业的整体水平与国际水准持平,具有里程碑式的重大意义。Be proud of Lowes roll out, make the integral level of course of study of domestic plastics hairdressing and international level keep balance, have the great sense of milepost type.

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梁稳根和三一其他的联合创始人都来自湖南省,那里在中国计划经济年代里曾是建筑设备的生产中心。2003年是三一的一个里程碑。Liang Wengen and three one other co-founders are from Hunan province in China, where the planned economy time was building equipment production center. 2003 is a milepost three one.