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他的衬衫上浸满了汗水。His shirt was saturated with sweat.

水中的电解质饱和了。The water saturated with electrolyte.

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我们得到饱和甘汞电极。We have the saturated calomel electrode.

而饱和脂肪全都可以很好的加热。Saturated fats can all be heated very well.

市场上充斥着品相良好的二手书。The market is saturated with good used books.

市场上质量好的旧汽车供过于求。The market is saturated with gooda used cars.

多少人认为饱和脂肪更有害And how many would say saturated fat is worse?

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洒遍了牺牲的血雨。And saturated with the blood rain of sacrifice.

雨天作业不得使用含水率饱和状态的砖。Saturated bricks shall not be used in rainy day.

下雾时空气被湿气浸透。During a fog, the air is saturated with moisture.

一种含20个碳原子的饱和异戊间二烯。A saturated isoprenoid containing 20 carbon atoms.

而肥饶的泥土却沾满著尟血。And the fertile soil will be saturated with blood.

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不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪及转化脂肪。Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.

把这三栏标为“食品”、“钙”和“饱和脂肪”。Label the columns Food, Calcium, and Saturated Fat.

饱和交通情况下的排队模型。Queue models under the saturated traffic condition.

饱和带的上界面为潜水面。The saturated zone is bounded above by a water table.

在烟肉里的饱和油脂也是可以致癌。The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

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用饱和蒸汽加热和电加热两种。With saturated steam heating and electric heating two.

有一个很好的理由。国内市场已经饱和了。There's one very good reason. The home markets saturated.

之后会加入盐和矿物质使水饱和。After that the water is saturated with salts and minerals.