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现在他们不这么认为了。All right. Simulate the code.

有些蛾拟态为枯叶。Some moths simulate dead leaves.

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假装自己是一个文化人。I simulate myself an intellectual.

这些虫豸可以假装成枯叶。These insects can simulate dead leaves.

目的研究相关高斯雷达杂波的模拟。Aim To simulate correlated Gaussian radar clutters.

他们的表面是模仿加拿大地形而起伏的。Their surfaces undulate to simulate Canada's terrain.

克兰西介绍说,无绳跳绳手柄中可以移动的重物会让使用者觉得是有绳索在移动。They simulate the feel of a rope moving, Clancy said.

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灯泡制作者使用热量来模拟使用年限。To simulate years of usage, bulb makers rely on heat.

引入粒子系统对头发进行建模与仿真。Particle system is introduced model and simulate hair.

用两个这样的木排,你就可以模拟任何形式的空隙了。With two such rafts you can simulate any type of void.

应用EWB软件可对电路进行仿真实验。EWB . software can be used to simulate circuit experiment.

在门上安装按钮,模仿浮动开关操作。Door mounted pushbutton to simulate float switch operation.

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使用GBN协议,模拟GBN的工作原理。GBN protocol used to simulate the working principle of GBN.

此外用还引入了空间刚架单元来模拟桩体。In addition, this paper uses space frame to simulate the pile.

整个过程直截了当,光用笔记型电脑就足以胜任模拟的工作。The process is straightforward enough to simulate on a laptop.

本文将介绍如何仿真一个多细胞机体。This article will show how to simulate a multi-celled organism.

用烟来模拟从撞碎的散热器中冒出的蒸气。Smoke was used to simulate steam coming from a smashed radiator.

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高效快速的计算机可以模拟如此复杂网络结构。Sufficiently fast computing can simulate such a complex network.

模拟了基于美国国家科学基金网络模型的光突发交换。We simulate the optical burst switching based on NSFNet network.

ECHAM4模式对大气环流的气候态有较好的模拟能力。ECHAM4 can simulate the average climate state of air circulation.